- Chapter Twenty-Seven -

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Amity's face contorted into a frown. "Willow, I thought that you and I were alright..I don't understand what this change of heart is."

"It's not a change of heart..I just," Willow hesitated, "Can you promise me that you won't hurt my friend ever again?"

"You know I can't but I can promise that I am going to try my hardest."

"Is this..is this something serious, Blight?" She asked, chewing at her bottom lip. "Please tell me you aren't playing with her feelings."

"I am as serious as I can be."

"Okay then," Willow sighed, pushing her glasses up her nose, "then I guess we can try to understand each other."

The memory danced around her brain as she stared up at her friend, her mint green wedding dress glinting in the Los Angeles sun. She felt her mouth quirk up into a smile, hands tightening around her girlfriend as they sat in the front row.

Willow had hit it off with one of her co-workers a few months ago, the woman being from Emblem as well. Amity couldn't deny that Willow's betrothed was beautiful with her jet black hair and captivating green eyes but she always thought to herself that Luz looked ten times more stunning.

She supposed that was the affect of love. She tried to pay attention as the officiant began their speech, "We are gathered here today under the laws provided by Los Angeles, California to witness the joining of this couple. If any person chooses to object, please do so now."

The guests all silenced after a moment. "Right, let's join these beautiful souls, then. Do you, Willow, take Avery as your wife?"

"I do." Spoke the woman, a bright smile on her face.

"And do you, Avery, take Willow as your wife?"

"I do!" Yelled the bride, as she grinned at her girlfriend.

"I now pronounce you married!"

Cheers and whoops filled the air as Amity felt a tight squeeze around her hand. Luz leaned in, whispering in her ear, "What do you think? Should we get married too?"

The purple-haired girl felt her eyes widen as she grinned, smiling. "If you ask, you will get an answer."

Luz only gave a small smile before going to congratulate her best friend.


"So, Gus, how does it feel to be a famous author?" Amity asked, a polite smile in place. After fixing her relationship with Willow, Gus had seemed to warm up to her and they would get lunch from time to time. At first, it was with Luz's presence but after a few months, it became just a thing for them.

Gus supposed they were friends now. There was no more denying it. "I'm not famous, I just happen to get a good book deal with Collins."

Amity rolled her eyes as she dipped a fry into the ketchup. They were seated at a diner. "They're the best for a reason. All of their authors are super well-known."

"I guess you're right."

"Of course I am!"

As the door chimes jingled, both lost themselves in conversation only to be startled. "Hi, babes."

"Luz!" Replied the girl, grinning. "What are you doing here?"

"Yeah, what on earth are you doing here, Luz?"

The Hispanic gave a wink to both. "I may have a little surprise for someone."

"Really?" Amity's golden eyes lit up. "What is it?"

Gus and Luz shared a look as the people around the diner began to crowd them, all roller skating in synchronization.

"What's happening?"

The girls all lined up on one side of the wall, doing an imitation of a very popular dance to the song "will you marry me". The guys seemed to be in the position of the girl, making Amity giggle quietly. What was going on?


"Shh," she replied as she kissed her forehead, "just watch."

The people all weaved from here to there, amongst them Willow and Avery appearing clad in their wedding dresses standing at the center stage which was used for karaoke. They seemed to be mouthing the words 'I do'.

Gus joined the crowd, jumping over the booths and landing in front of both girls, herding them into the heart that was beginning to form around both Luz and Amity.

Once the song finished, the Hispanic smiled wide as she let herself fall onto her knee. "Amity, my love, you have been my best friend all of these years and throughout our friendship we learned to rely on one another, forming a deeper bond, which we are a part of today. What do you say to making our bond official? To not spending one more night without each other?"

"Oh, baby..," cried the girl, hands going to her face as tears were shed. She rarely used any affectionate nicknames and much less in public.

"Will you marry me?"

"Yes!" Amity cried, lunging at her girlfriend. "Holy fucking shit yes!"

All of their friends laughed at the reaction as Luz struggled to stand them upright. Once she had, she placed the beautiful yet simple ring on Amity's delicate finger. "Now we just have to plan the wedding. I think we're going to need Willow and Avery's help."

From somewhere in the crowd, Avery yelled "You got it!"

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