- Chapter Twenty-Nine -

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The officiant, Willow, pushed her glasses back as she smiled at the crowd. "So before we start, I would like to say a couple of words with the brides permissions."

Everybody settled into their seats, all eyes now on her. "Amity and Luz have always been a constant in my life and I can happily say now that they have chosen me to officiate the most important day of their lives. I would like toast to friendships, to second chances, and finally but not least, to true freaking love!"

Everybody in the crowd cheered, all clinking their glasses. After the toast was over, Willow cleared her throat. "All that may object, please say so now or forever hold your peace." A beat. "Very well. By the power vested in me by the state of California, We are here to witness this union between Amity Blight and Luz Noceda."

Parents, siblings, and friends all giggled happily, a comte t buzz going around the room. Luz looked as equally stunning in her lilac wedding dress as Amity did in her white dress. It had come as a shock to Luz's mothers when she had mentioned she had wanted a dress and so, Mama had dug E through her things to give her the one she wore when she married Luz's late father and then again when she married Edalyn.

Willow continued, "Luz Noceda do you take Amity as your wife in sickness and in health? In poverty and prosperity?"

"I do."

"And do you, Amity Blight, take Luz as your wife in sickness and health, in poverty and prosperity?"

"I most certainly do."

"I now pronounce you married!" She grinned. "You may kiss the bride!"

Luz felt their lips collide, the warmth of her wife almost incinerating her in the best way possible. She felt the fire, the burning, almost as though she were being set on gasoline as they kissed, deeply.

Today would forever be her favorite.

Author's Note - I know this chapter is short and sweet but I thought of it a perfect ending; I dislike when books get dragged out as long as possible only to be ruined.

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