- Chapter Nineteen-

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"Amity?" They rushed toward her, a worried tone in their voice. "It's dad, sweetie. Can you hear me?"

She hadn't heard the nickname in such a long time. She felt a bubble of irrational laughter escape her until she was doubled over. Once the laughter had finished, it left tears and more tears. They didn't end. They flowed out of her like a river into a steady stream and circling back around again, until the stream went off into a hidden pond and fed back into the river.

"Dad?" She managed. "Dad..Help..me."

He nodded as he grabbed his daughter in his arms, rocking her back and forth like he did when she was a small child. He heard the footsteps of heels echo throughout the hall and then a voice, "What's all this?" Claimed her mom. "She's just being dramatic again, sweetie, we're going to be late to our debut."

The man did not turn around as he spoke. "You may go, Odalia."

"What? But they need both of us!"

"And our kid needs us!" He yelled.

Odalia scoffed as she rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Don't expect a share of this profit."

"I want a divorce." He deadpanned.

Her mom smiled sweetly. "We can talk about that when we get back, dear, alright?"

"No." Alador stood up, still carrying his baby girl. "I am processing the papers once I make sure she's alright. Go to hell, Odalia. I should've never married you."


"Hello?" Luz spoke into the phone, surprised at the gruff voice that was definitely not Amity's. "Who is this?"

"Hi, is this Luz? Please tell me it is." They sighed, heavily, almost on the verge of a breakdown.

"Yes. Can I help you?"

"It's..it's Amity. This is her dad, I will send a car for you."

"Is everything all right?" She frowned. "Should I get my moms?"

"No, she just wants to see you. You're the only thing she's mentioned in the last hour."

"I'll be there."

As soon as the car parked in front of the Blight's home, she hurried her way into the house, not bothering to knock. She asked a maid for the directions to Amity's room, feeling proud of herself for not getting lost but as she entered the room, all of it didn't seem to matter.

There was Amity, breathing steadily in her bed but she looked pale, almost ghostly and her hair was limp, face devoid of any semblance of personality.

"Mr. Blight?" She asked as she stood timidly by the door, all but wanting to run toward her friend.

Alador turned, a saddened expression visible on his face. His smile felt all wrong— as though it was physically painful to produce any level of happiness in front of his sick child. Sick, because that was what mental illness did to a person, she thought to herself, it ate them from the inside out but by bit, piece by piece until yiu ended up crashing from the lack of sustenance your own energy provided. "Come in, Luz."

"It's nice to meet you sir."

Alador shook his head as he continued to perch in the seat by his daughter, hands fidgeting. She watched silently as he brain connected the dots on Amity's constant anxiety. "None of that. You've been a wonderful thing in my daughter's life lately."

"Thank you," she smiled sincerely as she walked toward the bed, "Your daughter is an amazing person."

"I know." He replied, solemnly. "I wish my wife could see that."

There was a but of silence as Luz sat on the other side of an unconscious Amity, grabbing her hand and intertwining it with hers. She looked up at Alador, biting her lip. "I'm sorry."

"Why are you sorry?"

"This...," she signaled with her other hand around the room, "this is all my fault. I told..I told Amity something I shouldn't have."

The pale man raised an eyebrow but the look soon faded into undeniable sadness, his eyes lowering to trace over his kid's face. "Luz, I realize we don't know each other that well yet but Amity has been struggling with her mental health for years. This was going to happen some day and I am glad it happened now when she has a good friend around..," He paused, "And just in time for me to realize what am awful father I have been for her. For all of them."

Luz smiled softly. "Your daughter only wants to make you proud, so when she wakes up..I suggest maybe telling her that." The Hispanic shrugged, still smiling fondly at the girl. "That can be the first step to being a better person for her."

"I will."


Alador felt himself relaxing for the first time that day. His daughter was in good hands when he wasn't around, and he knew that now more than ever, Amity would need the help of other's.

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