- Chapter Twenty-One -

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Amity sighed as she watched her siblings exit the room, a heavy weight settling onto her chest. "Luz," she began, "can we..do you think we could still be friends even if..?"

"I don't want to be your friend," the other replied as she saw Amity take a sharp intake of breath, "I want to be your girlfriend."

"But I thought—"

"I was wrong, Amity. These past few days have made me realize that I was letting my fear get in the way of what I truly want..which is you. I want you, Amity." She smiled softly. "If you'll still have me."

She watched as the other girl slowly stood up, wincing slightly but a grin on her face. When she had finally reached Luz, she wrapped her arms around her neck and hugged her close, whispering in her ear. "I would love that."


"Yes," she grinned whilst she began to spin around with the help of her girlfriend, "I would love to have this," she waved at the hand that Luz held captive, that actively spun her, "Everyday."

"I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry too but you know what?"


"We'll get through this together." She was held in place now, arms wrapped around her waist, leaving a throbbing heart. "We will learn to rely on each other because a relationship is built on trust."

Luz kissed her forehead, grinning. "My sweet mittens."

Amity's face reddened as she backed away slightly. "They told you about that?!"

"Well, I just know they call you that, not the full story."

Amity groaned as she wiped a hand across her face and then let her head fall, dejectedly, onto Luz's shoulder. From the open door of her room, she heard muffled giggles in the hallway as a snap echoed.

She would get them back, one day.

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