- Chapter Twenty-Four -

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"Come on, Amity," called her girlfriend, dragging her by the arm into the class that they shared. She ignored many of the confused looks thrown her way and even chose to pointedly stare at her former clique. "Willow will come around eventually."

"But it's been months now!" She cried, indignant. "I've apologized more than thirty times and even got her those little chocolate thingies she likes...I- I know I messed up but why won't she forgive me?"

"It's going to take her some time, mi corazon," She said softly, "just like it took me."

Amity frowned, still not content but finally letting the argument go. It wasn't just Willow that was bothering her, it was her mom too. Odalia had been absent from her life for years now, coming and going as she pleased and demanding nothing less than perfection.

But Amity wasn't perfection. No. She was a chipped teacup that grew heavier, rustier, more cracked as the days wore on. The teacup that sat in the back of the cabinet collecting cobwebs that you were only supposed to use in case of emergency. She felt herself shudder. Her mother was a terrible person and it was no wonder that she had ended up the way she had. Alone, without her family, and slowly regretting every choice she had made.

A month ago they had all received personalized letters from her. Amity's being the longest.

Dear, Mittens, I am sorry for the way I spoke to you last time I saw you. Losing your father has made me realize a great deal of things and amongst them is my regret for how I have failed as your mother. I have failed as your confidant, best friend, and safe space. I am sorry. So, so, sorry, my kid.

And I am proud that you are nothing alike to me.

But that wasn't true. Amity was alike to her, almost painfully alike, which seemed to be the very problem of their relationship. She closed her eyes, imagining herself reading the rest of the letter as she felt her eyes glaze over, not paying attention to the lecture.

I implore you to find it in your heart to see me one more time, alone. If not for forgiveness than for pity. Your mother, Odalia.


"Please, let me come with you." Begged Luz, with a furrowed brow. "I don't..I don't trust her."

"Neither do I..but she is my mother."

"Just..please." She had begged, kissing her face a million times over, holding it in her warm hands. "I love you. I don't want anything to happen to you."

"You..you love me?" Amity's heart pounded as she felt her cheeks burn. "How can you even tell? We're only seventeen.."

"Because I'm scared of you."

"Scared?" Amity laughed, confused.

"I'm scared of anything happening to you, of these feelings that come with seeing you, of anything that would make you unhappy." She smiled, softly. "And I could not bear the thought of you being alone, when you need me."

"Fine." Her girlfriend caved. "You can come but you have to stay in the car."

"That's fine." Luz smiled, kissing her softly on the lips. "As long as you're okay, baby."

"Thanks for coming with me," She squeezed her girlfriend's hand as she stared at the glittering sign of the diner she had agreed to meet her mother at. "I'll shout if I need you."

Luz laughed airily. "And you won't need me but if you do, I'll be right there."

"Thanks again."

"I love you," Luz gave her those big, doe eyes which gave her the feeling of butterflies. Butterflies that pounded against her stomach so aggressively that she felt as though she could throw up just from the sheer force. She felt herself gulp as she yet again, did not say those words back. "You're going to be—mph."

Amity had ceased the moment, closing the gap between them. Once she had released her girlfriend, she felt her chest rising and falling even more rapidly. She knew that if she stayed one more moment, she would not go meet her mother and instead, she would let herself possibly make a mistake.

She was too high in adrenaline, of the undeniable feeling blooming in her chest. She had to leave before she kissed her again. "I'll- I'll see you soon, darling."

She took a deep breath as she exited the car, not waiting for a response and all but ran into the diner.

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