Part 7 - Threats

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It had been a few days since Hiccup told me the news and we had ended up telling everyone since it would be hard to tell Stoick and not them. We didn't tell them my whole backstory but did mention the fact my Father, Egil was the chief of me old village and had been sending threatening mails to Stoick. Needless to say the gang was shocked and I thought they wouldn't trust me anymore but they all just wanted to help.
A couple hours later me and Hiccup were sitting by the small fire in his hut with our dragons resting their heads on our laps. We had been in silence for a while and the atmosphere for tense and heavy so I decided to speak up
"Hiccup," I sighed
"What is it Y/n" he replied with a thoughtful expression
"Hiccup, we need to find Drago. I bet he is causing this. My father may kill dragons but he would never hurt another Viking."
"Y/n I see where you are coming from but I think we should go back to Berk first and see if my dad knows of this 'Drago' guy,"
"Yeah sorry, you're right," I sulked
"No need to be sorry Y/n and let's get a good sleep, we'll be heading to Berk in the morning."
I got up and walked to the spare room with Amethyst following behind,
"Goodnight Hiccup," I said without turning to look back at him
" Goodnight y/n," he replied.


The sun was shining and if it wasn't for the past few days events I would have been flying with Toothless just now, enjoying the weather.
"Hiccup are you awake?" I heard with a knock on the door
"Yeah I'm up," I replied before getting up, putting my armour on and walking over to the door
The most beautiful girl I had seen was standing before me, her long h/c hair sitting perfectly over her shoulders and her hypnotising e/c eyes staring back at me.
"Erm Hiccup. Are you okay?"
"Oh yeah sorry Y/n I zoned out for a minute there sorry,"I said scratching the back of my neck awkwardly .
"No worries haha," she said also scratching the back of her neck. This was another thing we both done.

" So gang we are going back to Berk today," I explained to the group of vikings.
"Em guys I'm still talking?"
"I need to go pack some stuff"
"Guys wait he is trying to tell yous something!"
"Oh whoops"
"Sorry Hiccup"
"Thank you Y/n. So as I was saying, we are going back to Berk but we need to be on high alert since we don't know what kind of threats they have been getting since the last one,"
" oh so no holiday?" Tuffnut sulked
"Obviously not you dimwit!" His twin replied hitting him over the back of his head
"So what's the plan once we get there?" Astrid questioned
"Erm I'm not sure I guess we'll just see what happens" I honestly didn't know what we were going to do.
"Hiccup I think when we get there me and you should go to your fathers hut and tell him my relation to Egil and then once we see how he takes that we should mention Drago Bloodvist,"
"Yeah y/n you're right. That's the plan, we'll see where it goes from there," I replied.
Honesty I don't know what I would do without Y/n she always knows what to do when I don't and she's kind of just like another me.


We had been flying for a couple of hours and were nearly at Berk. I can't lie I was really nervous, of course I had met Stoick many times before but it was never over anything bad, just stuff about dragons and how life is on The Edge.
Hiccup seemed to notice I was nervous and flew to the back of the group, which is where I was.
"Y/n, are you okay? You don't look too good"
"Yeah I'm fine just a bit nervous I guess"
" Oh well you don't have to be nervous. My dad is a very understanding man since the whole red death thing so he should be on our side."
"I hope so," I sighed
Amethyst also seemed to sense my nerves and gave me a worried coo
"I'm okay girl, don't worry," I said stroking her smooth head.
I honestly don't know what I would do without her - or Hiccup - they are always there when I need them and I can tell them anything.
Honestly I still cant shake the feeling I have for hiccup I'm not too sure what it is but he makes me feel so much better about myself. He is like the half of me I didn't realise was missing.

Sorry this chapter is slightly shorter I'm just trying to work out some things for the story line so this was just a quick chapter. I'm not sure how long this book will be but I will just keep going until I come to a good ending 😊

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