Sky Island

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Ralph: This is the first name of a technique that came to my mind -Lightning Rage-

(Back to current chapter)

(Lightning strikes From the sky as it was a direct hit on the pirate cap'tn

The cap'tn was electrocuted as he fell down flat, the remaining slaves and the pirate crew were shocked as Andrew brought out 2 daggers)

Andrew: Sorry guys but we'll be taking your ship now

(He says as he massacred everyone except ralph)

Ralph: That was bloody Andrew. But we now have a ship that will be able to take us to sky island (He says as a huge red seabeast sprouts from the sea roaring at them)

Ralph: Let me try this technique -Lightning Fist-

(His fist turned blue as lightning sparks out from it, he then jumps towards the seabeast as he punched it's chest. The seabeast collapsed back into the sea as Ralph landed back on the ship)

Andrew: That your power is amazing Ralph! I which it was me that had that devil fruit (he says as Ralph looked at him with a smirk)
Ralph: Let's get going andrew we don't want to miss the big impact (He says as the sea shakes to ship and pushed the ship towards a whirlpool)

Andrew: We have to brace for impact!! (He yells as Ralph stood firm)
Ralph: This is our opportunity so let's not miss it!! (He yells back as immediately their ship boomed into the sky as it was ontop the big boom current)

(Their ship flew as Andrew and Ralph hits their head on the edge of the ship causing them to pass out)

(Ralph POV. Somewhere on sky island during the war involving the straw hats)


Ralph: *Mind* -Damn! I don't even know where I am and the first thing I hear is explosions on sky island, and where the hell is Andrew- (He says as he saw a boy in tattered red armless shirt and blue shirt jeans as he was running towards a man holding an iron rod with long earlobes)

???: -Gomu-Gomu no: Bazooka! (The kid said as his both arms stretched backwards then immediately his arms stretched forward with speed and force as he used his palms to hit the iron rod guy as he was sent flying backwards crashing into a wall)
Ralph: Hey! Kid! How could you do that and who are you? (I asked the boy as he adjusted his straw hat)

???: I'm Monkey D. Luffy and I ate the gum-gum fruit (he replied as the earlobe guy stood up as he disappeared and reappears in front of Luffy ready to attack. I immediately stopped his punch from hitting Luffy as I tighten his wrist)
Ralph: Sorry buy you might have to pass through me to get to him (I said as I eye shines blue)

Luffy: Why did you intervene with my battle? (he asked as I looked at him)
Ralph: Because we both have the same name (I replied as he looked at me dumbfounded)
Luffy: Is your name also -Monkey D. Luffy? (He asked as he picks his nose with his pinky finger)

Ralph: No dumbass! We both have the name of 'D" and I'll consider you my friend (I said as I punched the guy in his stomach as he coughed up blood I then gave him a round-house kick directly to his neck as he was sent flying backwards again)

-Thud! -Boom!

???: How could a mere human touch the almighty god Eneru and who told you to help that little Chi...!! (He was cut off by Ralph punch to his face as he kept on giving him multiple punches, then he made way for Luffy to attack him)
Luffy: -Gomu-Gomu no: Rifle! (He yells as his twisted arm punched eneru as his stomach twisted)

Ralph: -Lightning tech: Triple Hell (I said as I punched him 3 times with my lightning fist as he fell to his knees. I then jumped to the air as lightning coated my fist I then used it to punch his face into the ground. Luffy confidently walked towards me as he looks at eneru as he carried eneru and threw him off the giant flying ship as he jumps also as he got prepared to give him his last attack)

Luffy: -Gomu-Gomu no: Bull Bazooka!! (He yells as he slams eneru's chest with the attack as eneru speed increased as he crashed hardly into the ground. Luffy then stretched his arm onto the ship as he came back up)
Luffy: Thanks there buddy! (He says as he waves and walks towards me)
Ralph: It's no problem and that's what I'll do for a namesake (I replied)

Luffy: What did you mean by namesake? (he asked me)
Ralph: Let me introduce myself properly. My name is Dami D. Ralph and you also have the 'D" in your name (I said as his eye widens)
Luffy: You have a 'D" in your name! And you are so strong, why don't you join my crew and improve your skills (He said as I immediately knew what my answer was)

Ralph: So Luffy but that's a No can do (I replied as he let out a large smile)
Luffy: I understand! (he said as he adjusted his straw hat)
Ralph: There's no way you can understand Luffy, but the next time we meet I might consider your offer so don't let it go (I said to not hurt his feelings)

Luffy: Okay then! Let's go meet the rest of my friends down there (he said as he pushed me overboard the ship as he jumps also then he punched a hole on the ship's under)

(Few moments later)

Andrew: We are going to be with you guys until we reach land (he says as Luffy, usopp, chopper and Nami yells in excitement)
Sanji: Nami-san is beautiful when she's happy! (he says as love shaped his eyes)
Zoro: But she's happy cause Ralph is going to be with us (he said as sanji got angry)

Sanji: Shut up mosshead! (he yells as they got into a fighting argument)
Nami: As long as Ralph is here I don't mind (she said as she looks at jealous Robin)

Sanji: Robin-sa! I'm here for you (he said as he went over to Robin as she used her devil fruit to hold sanji down)
Robin: *Sad* You are not needed now sanji (she said with a dull face)

Ralph: *Mind* -This girls are so beautiful! I wonder if they still single but I'm glad they love me for my cuteness-
Nami: Um.. Ralph! If you need anything you could come meet me In my room. I'm always available (she said shyly)

To Be Continued.

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