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He is there waiting for her, all this time he wanted her. She is also there wanting to go over him and tell him how much she loves him.

"It's him." Sarah smiles at Kiara softly. "No...no, but, he.." Kiara can't speak, she thinks her mind is playing tricks on her. But it isn't. She knows it's JJ, she wants to run into his arms hug him and never let him go, but something inside her it's stopping her.

"Kie, don't doubt, now go." Sarah suggests. She hugs her one more time. "Thank you Sarah." She says during the hug. "I'll be over the car, call me." Sarah starts heading back.

He's sitting staring at the ocean, the ocean reminds her of his eyes, those she's missed for so long. She doubts for a second if she should go to him, but, she knows that if she wants him back, she has to make a move.

Sometimes, no matter how hard it is, you have to take a risk for what you want most, even if you don't know what destiny has in store for you. She walks slowly towards him, she regrets every step she takes, but it doesn't matter anymore.

Kiara approaches the blonde boy. "JJ?" She asks firmly. The boy turns to look at her. She notices his body tense up as he sees her, that look, that scared look is back.

"Kie? What are you doing here?" He asks shocked and getting up. She's relieved at the moment she sees his face again.

She's really mad at him, she wants to shout or even hit him, but she can't, she can't do anything, she can't hug him, she can't ask what's wrong with him, until he makes it possible.

"You're actually asking questions to me right now?" She asks tired. "JJ, we've been looking for you everywhere." She sighs.

"Wasn't the note clear?" He mutters but loud enough for her to hear. "Well what did you expect? Do you think we would just let it pass?" She replies with an attitude, he places his hands on his pockets.

"Kiara do you not understand what's going on here?" He shouts. "We can't be close, we destroy each other, when will you realise that!" He exclaims.

"JJ what the heck? You've been missing for a whole day! And you can't even call or leave a message? You had to leave a fucking note?" She asks screaming.

"What did you want me to do? Call you like: "Hey guys I'm leaving" or what?" He cries back.

"I just can't understand you JJ! Anytime when I'm around you freak out and when we get to talk we are always fighting, JJ I'm not a stranger, you've been my best friend for years!" She shouts.

"You just don't understand." He comments. "Why are you so mad? You're the one who broke up with me!" She exclaims getting closer.

"I'm so mad because I can't stop loving you Kie!" He shouts. She freezes, he didn't just say that. Is it true? Is it true that he still loves her? Or is it just an effect of his anger?

JJ analyses her shocked look, he rolls his eyes and finally breathes out, he didn't notice he was holding his breath.

His feelings are like a puzzle. He just needed the last piece to finally decipher it.

"I'm mad because I love you so much that it consumes me!" He finally clarifies, Kiara is confused but still shocked, but JJ swears he can see a tiny smile form on her lips. "Pretending that I don't love you anymore has been the hardest thing I've ever done." He steps closer looking at the ground.

"It hasn't passed a single day or night that I don't think about you." He says with a sad but yet sincere tone, she doesn't say anything. "And I can't continue doing this anymore-"

Before he can say anything else he is interrupted by Kie grabbing his face with her hands and kissing him. JJ feels his whole body relax as he kisses her back. He places his hands on her hips, it took him for surprise at first, but he's glad this happened.

They've been waiting for this too long, they want to feel each other close. They say that when time passes everything sways right away with it, but not this love.

Because we all know that even loving partners repeat the cycle of falling apart and getting back together.

They separate, they look at each other's eyes, and this time is JJ who goes for the kiss, this one is sweet and soft.

Everything is perfect, the combination of the calming sound of the waves, and each other's presence. She places her hands on his chest, and he puts his on her lower back.

They won't admit it, but they've missed their lips for such a long time, finally, their desire is complete. They just wanted each other all this time. He never made it clear and neither she.

They separate and they stare into each others eyes, JJ admires the color of her dark brown eyes, and she stares into his blue orbs. She isn't mad at him anymore, he isn't either, they are just relieved that they have want they most wanted back.

Kiara sees a tiny snowflake landing in JJ's nose, they start chuckling.

They look up and without noticing it's snowing, making this night even more perfect. This time JJ softly grabs her face and leans in, Kiara kisses him back.

This is literally so cute, I prefered making it in two chapters hehe, ik it's short, but is such a special chapter for me :)))
Thanks for reading<3
Jen :)

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