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He feels like he's drowning. He doesn't think he can be saved by anyone, he sinks even more by every second that passes.

She knew he was out there but she felt like she lost him. But now she still feels that she lost him, but she doesn't now if he's out there.

Kiara can't process what she is reading, between her fingers, there's a note from someone she once loved, and still does. It doesn't feel real, no, their story can't end up like this.

"What...? Why, why would he do this?" She can feel the lump in her throat grow. "Why would he do this?! To you guys! To me!" She shouts, Sarah bites her nails.

"Kiara, you need to calm down, please." Begs her best friend. Kiara tries to hold her tears, but she knows it impossible. Sarah rushes to hug her tight, and with that Kiara let's out everything that has been inside of her for the past two months.

"I'll text Pope and Cleo, we'll find him okay?" Says Sarah stroking her hair as she continues hugging her. They separate and Kiara wipes her tears with her thumb.

Sarah receives a call from John B, he's got Pope and Cleo, they will go around OBX looking for JJ. After a few seconds John B hangs up.

"We could go to his house, maybe he's there and he just wanted to prank us, you know how he is." Sarah tries to light up the mood, but both of them know that JJ isn't joking this time.

They hop on Sarah's white car, and they drive through the suburbs of Figure Eight, it's not a long drive, JJ doesn't leave further. They park in front of his house, it has nothing to do with the old tiny place he used to live.

They step up in the porch. "Do you know where he keeps his keys?" Sarah asks. "Well, he used to have them under that pot." Comments Kiara as they approach to a flower pot with with some pink Hibiscus that JJ and Kiara planted that summer, but with the cold, now they are dry. The cold always takes everything away, not just this beautiful flowers, their love too.

Sarah carefully lifts up the pot and they see a copy of the keys under it, Kiara grabs them and she rushes to the door. "Come on!" She mumbles hoping that the door will open.

The door opens revealing JJ's home, Kiara stays observing everything for a bit, she hasn't been there for awhile, it smells like JJ, it smells like home. Sarah after seeing Kiara's reaction enters first, soon she follows her and she closes the door.

"JJ?" Asks Sarah. No one answers. "Jayj?" Damn cold silence again. Sarah rushes to the living room, but Kiara stares at a some pictures hanging on the wall pictures of all of the pogues, the day of the celebration of "El Dorado". The day Sarah and John B returned Obx, but one is missing.

She looks in the drawers, and then she sees it, it's a picture of them kissing under the fireworks, last 4th of July. Kiara notices a small tear running down her cheek. She wipes it and smiles at the sight of the photo, then she puts it into her pocket.

"He's not here." Sarah approaches Kiara slowly. Kiara feels another tear fall.

John B types his tenth or thousandth message to JJ, begging him to please reply or at least let him know that he's safe. He calls him, but his phone is turned off.

Alone in winter / JIARA OBX FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now