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They are not aware of how much is at stake in loving each other. But as they say: "To appreciate the beauty of a snowflake it is necessary to stand out in the cold."

Kiara switches from the cold winter to summer when she feels his arms wrapped around her waist. She's facing the wall and she can feel JJ's head buried into her curls.

She deeply breathes and turns to see him, he's peacefully sleeping.

JJ never gets a good sleep, it's really odd if he sleeps more than eight hours. Normally he sits in the dark and thinks. Random thoughts cross his mind.

When his dad was around it was much harder to sleep, but now that he's gone, his memory haunts him in his nightmares.

He is used to waking up all sweaty and with a pounding heart, but lately, he's noticed that when he is with Kiara those nightmares are gone.

Kiara has dealt with nightmares too, but she's never told anyone. Anyone except JJ.

It was probably one or two days after they came back from South America. JJ, Kiara, Sarah and John B were staying at Sarah's condo, as Pope and Cleo had a place at Heyward's.

JJ wasn't comfortable in the condo. It had great furniture, and it was big enough for all of them, but, it wasn't the Chateau.

It didn't feel like home.

Him and Kiara shared a room, it had one bed and a bathroom, enough.

They were sleeping, but Kiara was still shocked by everything:

Ward and Big John's death, her parents, finding El Dorado, Kitty Hawk, Carlos Singh, her parents, kissing his bestfriend, Kitty Hawk...

That night, she couldn't really sleep, JJ surprisingly fell asleep really fast. After a few hours of just staring blankly at the ceiling,
she managed to relax, close her eyes, and get a light sleep.

She dreamed that she was getting kidnapped again, but her parents instead of being there crying, they were yelling things to her, like she deserved it or that she was a disgrace.

She woke up really scared, her hands were trembling, her heart pounding all around her body.

With quicken breaths she checked all around the room to make sure she wasn't there again, but suddenly, she felt a hand on her shoulder, it was JJ's.

"Are you okay?" He asked kissing her temple.

"Yes, just a bad dream." She replied smiling softly.

He layed her down slowly and he started to play with her hair, she placed her head on his shoulder, while he whispered things for her to calm down.

Kiara snaps to reality when her phone starts ringing, she groans as she sits on her bed. She stands up, but some arms hug her from behind and she stretches out again on the bed. "JJ!" Kiara chuckles.

"I don't want you to leave, whoever that is can wait." JJ mumbles kissing her back neck.

Kiara giggles as she bites her lower lip. "I'm sorry Jayj, but I really need to get that." Kiara smiles.

She gets up as JJ pouts. She grabs her phone that was charging on the night table; "It's Sarah, she might ask about us, what do I tell her?" She says sitting in the bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24 ⏰

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