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Kiara stares at the view in front of her. White, white is the only thing that she can see. No sight of her car, no sight of the other kook houses, nothing.

"Kie, please close the door I'm freezing." He complains as he gets up and goes to the front door. "Oh." He says behind her. A silence surrounds them.

"Um, it looks like we're staying here." She turns to look at him. He purses his lips as he approaches her, but his hand makes his way to the door behind her.

He closes the door and his hand brushes her waist. Kiara gasps and looks at his eyes intensively.

So this is how is gonna be then.

She tilts her head and looks him up and down, JJ's thumb caresses her hand as she licks her lips, creating more tension between them. She finally leaves, leaving JJ wanting more.

JJ falls back against the wall, his heart and breath pounding heavily. "What are you doing to me Carrera?" He asks to itself.

Kiara sits on the sofa, and sees that the movie is unfinished. "Should we finish the movie?" She asks. "Coming up!" JJ jumps beside her. Kiara smiles and turns on the TV.

Mike enters the bathroom, he grabs the toothbrush and starts cleaning his teeth. When he's done, he drinks a little bit of water and leaves the room.

When he opens the door he finds Mary standing in front of him, already dressed up and her arms crossed. "What's up?" He asks innocently, he knows that look of hers.

"What's up? You're daughter is probably sleeping with a pogue right now!" She barks. Mike rolls his eyes annoyed, it seems she's not tired. She won't stop and he knows it.

He goes downstairs her following him. She continues complaining about the family status, about what people around the Island might think..he turns around and looks at her mad.

"Mary, for the last time, I don't care about who Kiara is dating or not!" He says trying to stay calm.

"You have to keep JJ away from her and you know it, if you don't you will I will, I never managed to end you, but I swear I will end him." She says between her teeth.

"You and me have a past, and I won't let JJ go through the same shit that I went through because of you!" He exclaims. Mary glares at him.

"One more comment about my daughter or JJ, or I'll call the police." He mentions slowly but yet mad. "Oh sure call them, how will they believe you?" She laughs.

"You should know it, because a kook like me, could have the police bought with a couple of bills." He replies. "It's been a lot since you've last been on this island, no one barely remembers you." He finally says.

Mary stares in disbelief as Mike makes his way to the kitchen, but he stops. "Oh and one more thing." He mention. "Let's say JJ and Kiara have more money that both of us together on their bank accounts, they could buy the police too if they wanted."
He smiles sarcastically and leaves the room.

Mary stands there, every inch of her body charged with angry and rage. Her jawline tensions as she leaves the room and goes upstairs. She goes into Kiara's room.

She has to stop this, because if she's not the one to do it, no one will. Yet she knows she has to kill two birds with one stone.

Alone in winter / JIARA OBX FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now