Hair gel

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"That looks gross" Respawn squinted his eyes and scrutinized Damian.

"Mind you, I didnt ask you to be here" Damian retored with a scoff. His usual sheduele of getting up and ready for another day at his useless school was interupted. 

Respawns eyes kept darting from Damians hair and the packaged jar of hair jel.

"Still," His face contorted into disgust "Why are you putting that in your hair?"

"To keep it still." He applyed more into his hair wnd slicked it back. " You just style it into whatever and it stays"

"So its going against gravity?" Respawn tilted his head in confusion.

"No-" Damian paused in his speech. That- that was a gold question. But si ce he didnt have an answer he said " Dont ask stupid questions"

"Doesn't it feel weird? Putting something like that in your hair?"

"Its cold, but Im used to it" Damian let out a somewhat sleepy sigh. Its far too early for a learning experiance.

"Hm, So thats how your hair points upwards? And it looks short when it really isnt?" 

"Yes. And Yes" Damian popped the lid on the jar and washed his hands under the sink. Mind you Respawn was still staring at his hair.

"Whys it so shiny?" He attempted to feel it.

"Because," Damian swatted his hand away."Its HAIR GEL"

"With a J?" Respawn questioned.

"No." Damian clicked his tounge in annoyance. "With a G"

"It sounds awfully like a J-"

"You dont believe me then Google it" Damian thoughtlessly hand Respawn his phone. "I have 12 minutes and Im going to eat breakfast" He stated about to walk out of his bathroom.

Respawn was about to follow him out but decided against it when he saw Damians 'Im tired amd fucked up' look.

Damian sighed relentlessly. "You may follow me but do not sabotage my time with your questions." 

And with that Damian left the room before Respawn could say anything else.

"Probably should have asked his password..." He fiddled with Damians phone.

He tried out a few passwords before the phone locked him out for a good 3 hours.

"ARGGH FUCK OFF!" He was now yelling at a screen.

"Hello there." The voice was aqquanited with 3 sounds of beeping dots.

"I am Alexa, Virtual assistant. Lights off you have asked." A Random voice spoke up from Damians desk, right out his bathroom. At that moments the lights flicked off and then.....

Respawn S C R E A M E D.


At first it was only 174 words. Now its 4 times that. I think I did my best?

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