Season 1 Episode 1: Anne Or Beast?

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It is currently dark outside, and the lights are on at a building called "Stumpy's Diner." The only sounds we can hear right about now, are some dragonflies buzzing, and flying through out in the sky. We then see, a turquoise frog wearing some tethered and stitched together clothing, open the door to exit the diner. The frog in question is known as One-Eyed Wally.

Wally: Goodnight, you frogs! (Hops onto a rock before walking away) See you in the morrow. (Bumps into some barrels, making them roll) Oi! (Some other frogs outside the diner see this and laugh at him)

Wally ignores the laughs and takes a walk through the forest, humming and play his accordion along the way. Before Wally can continue his melody however he hears some rustling nearby.

Wally: Hello? (no response, except for the ominous wind blowing) What's that?

Unbeknownst to Wally a mysterious creature pops up from some bushes behind Wally, with their eyes glowing white. Wally turns around and looks somewhat scared.

Wally: (Gasp) No no no no! (Turns the other way and runs off screaming) NOOO!

Wally begins running through the forest, while his screams echo throughout the forest. As he's trying to get away from the creature he saw, he doesn't pay attention and runs into a tree. He falls to the ground clutching his head in pain, he hears someone call out to him.

???: Hey, are you ok?

Wally turns around, spotting another creature similar to the one he saw before. The only thing different was this one was more visible. The creature had a Black TopHat with (H/C) hair on its head, (E/C) eyes looking at him with concern, and currently wearing a damaged and slightly ripped Red Jacket with Black Pants, (F/C) Socks, and Red Shoes. Wally instantly huddles next to the tree, more afraid than he was before.

Wally: NO! NO! Please don't eat me!

Wally closes his eye, waiting for his demise, but to his surprise it never comes. He opens his eye slightly, seeing the creature offering one of his hands to him, with his other holding a microphone, still with a concerned look on their face.

Wally: You... you aren't going to eat me?

???: Of course not, I mean you seem pretty scared of me, which I would take as a compliment most of the time. But you seem hurt, so back to my original question, are you ok?

Wally: (rubs his head, slightly feeling pain) My head still hurts a bit.

???: Oh, well I'm sorry for scaring you, I was just trying to help.

Wally: Oh, don't apologize, it was another beast's doing. I was just taking a walk, playing my tunes, when a monster jumped out and tried to eat me! I ran, and ran, but then collided into this tree, and then I met you.

???: Ok. Well do you need help getting back to your home?

Wally: ...Maybe. But do I know you won't try to eat me? (points accusingly)

Y/N: Why I do think roasted frog would taste good... (Wally Gasps) I won't eat you cause, you got an accordion and that's a plus in my book. Also I don't plan on eating something I have to work for.

Wally: Ok then, (Hops on to ???'s shoulders) to Wartwood! (Points to the direction of Wartwood, which ??? follows) Oh, in case you're wonderinh, my name' Wally.

Y/N: Ok, Wally. Well I'm Y/N. Y/N L/N.

Y/N takes a look at Wallys accordion that was in his hand and comes up with an idea.

Y/N: Say, since this walk may be a while, why don't we have a rap battle to pass the time.

Wally: ...Rap? ...Battle? What is that?

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