Season 1 Episode 6: Stakeout

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The episode begins at the Plantar Farm, where Polly and Sprig are doing the dishes in the kitchen, Polly licking a spoon while singing to herself. Meanwhile, in the living room Anne and Hop Pop are having an argument while Y/N is trying to count his copper coins, but then loses track when he realizes he can only count to three.

Anne: Look, dude, all I'm saying is that where I'm from you could get arrested for having a couch this firm.

Hop Pop: Back in my day we didn't have furniture. We sat on rocks. Sharp ones.

Anne: Okay. But if I get butt blisters, I'm blaming you.

Hop Pop: Back in my day we called those "character".

Later, all of the residents of the farm are now outdoors, carrying either some vegetables or gardening equipment. The frogs and Y/N are handling the task pretty well, Y/N putting some of vegetables on his head, without his Top Hat since it would get in the way, and walking VERY slowly. While the others are doing well, Anne is having some trouble, due to not being that strong.

Anne: (Groaning) So... heavy.

Hop Pop: Mind the flagstone. (Watches Anne trip on a stone, yelling and complaining the whole time) Back in my day, kids spent less time complainin' and more time watching their step. Just look at Y/N! (Y/N is now carrying a load of stuff on his head)

Sprig: Whoa, how are you doing that?

Y/N: It's simple Sprig, (Looks at Anne) I WATCH my step.

Anne: (Glares at Y/N then starts to talk to Hop Pop) Yeah? Well, where I'm from people fixed their crummy houses.

Hop Pop: (Offendedly gasps) This house is like family! You apologize!

Anne: To a house?

Later, Polly and Y/N are having a game of Go Fish in the living room while Sprig is reading a book. Just then, a loud thud is heard from upstairs, and it continues as Anne and Hop Pop argue again.

Anne: Where I'm from, we didn't rush people in the bathroom! (A thud is heard)

Hop Pop: Well, back in my day we didn't have a bathroom! (Another loud thud is heard)

Anne: Stop hitting the door with a battering ram!

Hop Pop: It's been two hours!

Sprig: (Throws his book away and yells) I can't take this anymore!

Polly: They're just getting used to each other. It's not a big deal. Also do you have any sevens?

Y/N: Yeah, Sprig as much as I hate it, there's nothing we can do about it. Also, go fish.

Sprig: (Flabbergasted) Not a big deal? Nothing we can do about it? Do you remember the Henderson's next door? They used to argue all the time, and look what happened to them.

The Hendersons house has now been abandoned and slowly rotting away, with the windows and door completely missing, and a moat of green water surrounds what's left of it. Wally is seen, loading up a wheelbarrow full of plates and utensils.

Wally: Nothing like scavenging the remains of a broken frog family. (Rolls the wheelbarrow full of plates and utensils away)

Sprig: If we don't do something now, it won't be long before their bickering tears this family apart.

Polly: I still think we should just give them time. Not like we have a lot of options. You can't force people to get along.

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