Season 1 Episode 10: Breakout Star

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The episode begins at the Plantar Farm, where Hop Pop, Polly, Sprig, Y/N, and Paris are in the living room having a game of Go Fish against each other. So far, Sprig has got 4 pairs, Polly has none, Hop Pop has just gotten his first pair, Y/N has 3 pairs, and Paris has 2 pairs, so it's still anyone's game at this moment. Currently, it is Hop Pop's turn as he looks at his hand for any card that he needs.

Hop Pop: Hmm. Got any threes? (Looks at Polly)

Polly: I ain't telling you nothing, old man.

While Polly and Hop Pop argue over if there's a three or not, Y/N begins to think to himself about White and Soul Y/N. It has been a while since he has last seen those two, they both wanted to make a deal with him, even for the same reason. While he has some insight on who Soul Y/N says he is, he doesn't know who or what White is. He dawns a crown so he may be a king, he also wields a trident so maybe he's king of the ocean, kind of like Poseidon? Even if he's a king how did he end up in this so called void? What ever he was, he's creating more questions than answers.

Sprig: Y/N, you okay? Paris already went so it's your turn. (Paris chirps signaling for him to go)

Y/N, hearing Sprig, gets out of his thoughts to continue the game, but is interrupted by Anne kicking the basement door open, almost like she's got a problem. Anne then begins to scream like she saw a murder, causing Sprig to scream as well.



Y/N: (Covering his ears) Anne could you stop screaming, and just tell us whats wrong?

Anne: Just... Just look at me. (Reveals a breakout of red warts have covered her, face making the Plantars gasp)

Sprig: She's diseased! (He and the rest of the family pull out weapons)

Hop Pop: We have to quarantine her!

Polly: Don't struggle, Anne.

Anne: What? No, guys, it's not a disease. These are pimples. It's just a human thing.

Y/N: (Smugly) Sucks to be you. (Motions to his face) My innocent and defenseless face wouldn't be able to bare such a thing.

Anne: (Smugly as well) Well me looking at your face makes me appreciate my pimples. (Y/N gasps offendedly and dramatically)

Hop Pop: Oh. False alarm, everyone. Just a human thing. (The family put down their weapons)

Sprig: (Sighs with relief) Okay.

Y/N: (Looks at Sprig) Were you really afraid of getting them?

Sprig: (Looks back) Yep.

Y/N: (Nods) Not gonna lie I would be afraid of getting them to.

Anne: (Sighs in despair) Everybody already treats me like a monster. This is just gonna make it ten times worse. (Falls to her knees and groans)

Sprig: Ah, come on. No one treats you like a monster, Anne.

Anne: (Looks at Sprig like he's crazy) Are you kidding? I can't even go outside without making a scene.

A flashback then occurs of Anne whistling to herself as she walks through town, resulting in gasps and shrieks from the villagers.

Male Villager: Ah! It's hideous.

Female Villager: Look away, Teddy. Look away. (Two more villagers scream and run away)

Anne: (Saddened by the way everyone treats her) Ah, poop. (Flashback ends with Sprig now knowing what Anne means)

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