Season 1 Episode 7: The Domino Effect

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The episode begins outside with Anne, Sprig, and Y/N in an open area, playing baseball with a makeshift scythe and a watermelon gourd.

Anne: (Gets into a batting position) Hey, batter, batter, batter.

Y/N grunts and groans as he rolls the watermelon gourd to the top of the small hill, he tries to pick it up and throw it only to have no luck. Sprig sees the human boy having trouble and decides to ask him for help.

Sprig: Hey, Y/N do you need help picking that up?

Y/N: (Groans) Yeah, you carry one side, and I'll carry the other.

Both Y/N and Sprig manage to pick up the watermelon gourd and throw it with all of their might. Anne swings her scythe, only to miss and instead throw the scythe straight at Sprig's direction.

Anne: (Looks back at Sprig) Ah, whiffed it. (Gasps) Sprig! Y/N!

Sprig + Y/N: Huh? (Sprig gasps and ducks, the scythe flying over him, Y/N on the other hand isn't so lucky, as he ducks dodging the scythe though his Top Hat gets caught by the scythe going into the woods. Sprigs hat then splits in half and reveals his small luff of orange hair)

Y/N: (Runs after his Top Hat) Toppy!

Sprig: (Looks back at Anne) Wanna go again?

Anne: Yeah-uh! (Surprised) Wait, you have hair? Hey, sorry about your hat. Oh, there it is. (Sees the scythe embedded in a tree. She also sees Y/N cradling his Top Hat) Y/N, what are you doing?

Sprig: (Comes out as well, laughing) Hey, you found--  (Also sees Y/N cradling his Top Hat) Y/N, are you ok?

Y/N: What? (Realizes what he's doing and changes it) Oh! I-I'm just checking the damages on my Top Hat! (Acts like he's checking the damages, only for some pictures to fall out of his Top Hat)

Anne sees the pictures fall, and picks them up so she could give them to Y/N. Though she didn't really expect to see what was on the picture. The Picture showed Y/N and another Guy, this guy wearing Two Top Hats, a Gold Chain with in the shape of a dollar sign, and wearing a Black Suit. At the bottom of the picture it read "Y/N + Draco." Anne was somewhat confused by this to say the least.

Anne: (Confused) Y/N, who is this?

Y/N: (Sees Anne holding the photo, and quickly snatches it out of embarrassment) THAT'S NO ONE, HE'S JUST A FRIEND!! (Puts the photo, back in his Top Hat and calms down) You saw nothing.

Anne: But- (Gets cut off by the sound of something meowing) Shh. Do you guys hear something? (The meow sound happens again, getting Anne to gasp) Something's in trouble.

The three kids rush out of the forest, panting, as they come across what's making the sounds:  A black and white creature trapped in a puddle as three large wasps take turns attempting to sting it.

Anne: Oh, my gosh! We have to save her. (About to rush and save the creature but is stopped by Y/N)

Y/N: Don't worry I have an idea just wait for my signal. (Anne and Sprig nod at this as Y/N makes his way towards the black and white creature)

Y/N: Hey, Buzz Buzz! (The wasps look at Y/N) Why don't you pick on someone your own size? (The wasps then begin fly towards Y/N, as he tightens his grip on his microphone. Y/N's eyes also glow Red and Black a bit, also unbeknownst to Y/N his gem in his pocket is seen slightly a bit cracked somewhat more than last time, though the cracks on it aren't really noticeable unless someone looks a bit closer)

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