Season 1 Episode 3: Cane Crazy

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The Episode begins off at the Plantar Farm, more precisely, the basement, where Anne, Sprig, and Y/N are right now. Currently, Sprig and Y/N are going through Anne's bag since Y/N didn't bring anything with him. Anne is watching Sprig, in case he has any questions on what she has in there, and Y/N is making sure not to break anything of Anne's since he's seen most of the stuff she has in stores, but could never afford it.

Sprig: Wow, Anne, look at all your cool stuff! What's this? (Picks up a toenail clipper) Ah, I get it. Torture device.

Anne: That's a toenail clipper.

Y/N: By the way, could I borrow that tonight, Anne? (Anne gives him a nod)

Sprig: Oh, okay, okay, sure. Oh! How about this? (He holds up a bike pump.) What does this do? (Pumps air into his mouth and speaks with a muffled voice.) It's painful. (The air hisses as it comes out) Oh, and this. [He clicks a cat pen.] Oh, I love this. This is amazing.

Anne: You know what? You can keep it.

Right before Sprig and Y/N can continue digging through the bag, a bell is rung before Hop Pop speaks up.

Hop Pop: Kids! Chow time!

Anne, Sprig, and Y/N run up the stairs. They all soon take a seat with Y/N sitting next to Anne as she and Sprig begin banging the table, Y/N joining in also, while Polly is flapping her arms around, as Hop Pop is filling some bowls with stew.

Kids: Time to eat! Time to eat!

Hop Pop: Hold on, you kids. Hold on.

Kids: Time to eat!

Hop Pop hands out everyone's bowls full of bug stew, which really disgusts Anne and Y/N.

Anne: Ugh! Uh, you know what? I think I'm gonna pass. (Gently pushes her bowl away from her.)

Y/N: Yeah Hop Pop I don't want to starve, but I'm not eating this. (Pushes his bowl away from him)

Hop Pop: Why? Is my food not good enough for the prince and princess?

Anne: Well, if I'm the princess, then you're the king of bad cooking. (Chuckles)

Sprig: Ohhh!

Polly: Oh oh oh!

Y/N: Ohhh Dang!

Hop Pop: Oh, yeah? Well, you... I...

Y/N: What's the matter, Hop Pop? Frog in your throat?

Polly: Ohhh!

Sprig: Oh, they got you again!

Hop Pop: Oh, dang it! You know what? I'm gonna take a nap. I don't believe this. I feed you two, I house you two, and this is how you two repay me? If you don't shape up soon, Anne and Y/N, I'm throwin' you both out! (Slams his bedroom door and a flower vase falls down.)

Anne: Yeesh. What's his problem? (She grabs a cane and hunches over speaking like an old man) I'm Hop Pop, and I cook bad and have a temper problem!

Sprig, Polly, and Y/N laugh at this imitation.

Sprig: That's so Hop Pop!

Anne: Eat your aphids, don't play with them. Elbows off the table!

Sprig, Y/N, and Polly laugh again.

Anne: Sometimes I wonder why I even bother putting up with you at all! (She slams the cane down onto the table, which causes it to break, and causes Sprig and Polly to gasp.)

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