Multiversal Mayhem Part 1: Squid Kids

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It is currently morning in a world seemingly different than Amphibia. Instead of frogs there's humanoid squids, but will get to them later. Right now we see a Red and Black portal open spewing out Y/N, and they are presumably asleep, but begin to drift awake.

Y/N: (Tiredly) Wha- (Realizes what is happening and begins to scream)

After a while of falling FNH Y/N then lands not on the hard killable ground but rather in a tree, though he is still in a lot of pain, he realizes it's better than dying, so he finds away to get off from set tree.

Y/N: (Groans in pain) That hurt badly. (Begins to look around) Am I dreaming or Am I back home? (Slaps himself in the face) Ok, definitely not a dream. I should probably ask someone for help. (Sees a Mansion) Maybe the people in there can help me?

Y/N then begins to walk to the Mansion, as his mind is currently spiraling with thoughts, mostly if Anne and The Plantars are ok, since they're probably wondering where he is.

Y/N then got to the front door of the Mansion, and knocked on the door. After a while someone came to the door and opened it.

???: Hello? (Looks down to see Y/N)

Both begin to scream both screaming in terror. They are both surprised at the different looks between the two. Suddenly ??? punches Y/N knocking him out cold.

???: (Looks to his fist then back at Y/N) Oh... I didn't mean to do that.

??? then drags Y/N inside and puts him on the couch, now feeling bad, but decides to tie him up with some rope, just in case he doesn't try anything.

After a while Y/N begins to wake up from his slumber, slowly realizing he is tied up. He then notices ??? sitting on a couch in the corner of the room.

Y/N: Hey? Uh... Way to introduce yourself don't you think?

???: Well you somehow managed to get onto private property, and you look different than an average inkling.

Y/N: (Confused) Inkling?

???: (Confused as well) You don't know what an Inkling is?

Y/N: (Deadpans) Why else would I sound confused?

???: (Pauses for a bit) Good point. (Tilts his head) You got a name dude?

Y/N: (Sighs) Y/N L/N. How about you?

???: (Slightly confused) Y/N L/N... As well.

Y/N: (Mentally) Could this some of the multiverse that GL!X was talking about?

S. Y/N: (Snapping his fingers to get his attention) Hello, you still there?

FNH Y/N: (Snaps back to reality) Yeah I'm here. I think I know why we have the same names, but before I tell you why do you have to untie me, so I could explain this more in depth?

S. Y/N: (Puts a hand on his chin) This could ultimately lead to failure or success... Eh what the heck.

After a while of explaining to S. Y/N about who he is, and about the multiverse, S. Y/N begins to slowly understand what FNH Y/N is trying to tell him.

S. Y/N: So you're telling me that you know a guy who is in charge of the multiverse, you're from a different multiverse, and you wound up here?

FNH Y/N: (Nods) That about summarizes it.

S. Y/N:...What was in my milk?

FNH Y/N: Look I know it's a lot to process but I'm telling the truth.

S. Y/N: (Smirks) Oh don't worry I believe you, and that could explain a lot of things. Like how your a human, have the same name as me, and have somewhat the same out fit as me.

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