Season 1 Episode 8: Taking Charge

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The episode begins in the Plantar Farm, with Hop Pop reading a book, and Sprig tossing Polly and catching her with his limbs. Y/N is also seen feeding and playing with Paris.

Polly: (Laughing) Whoa! Whoo! Higher!

All of a sudden The Plantars, and Y/N hear a scream from the basement. They all stare at the basement door in confusion until Anne bursts out, with an excited look on her face.

Anne: Guys, guys, guys, guys, guys! Look! (Shows them a show called "Suspicion Island" on her phone)

Polly: What are we looking at here?

Anne: "Suspicion Island". It's, like, my favorite show. I've got the new season and didn't even know it. It must have auto-downloaded before I got here.

Sprig: Who's this Otto?

Polly: And how did you download him?

Anne: Just watch. (Presses the play button)

Narrator: Previously on Suspicion Island...

The footage shows four adult humans wandering through a large forest, with some having noticeable bruises than than the others.

Peruvia: I've got a lot of feelings about this place.

Sprig: (Grabs the cheeks on his face) Look! More Anne and Y/N's!

Polly: Ha ha! They have noses. (Points at one of the characters)

Randy: I feel like everyone on this island is suspicious, Peruvia, except you! (Puts his hand on her shoulder)

Peruvia: But, Randy, I think you're suspicious! (Removes Randy's hand)

Randy: Nooooooo!!! (The camera zooms in on his face before exploding)

Narrator: Suspicion Island. If you don't stay suspicious, you won't stay alive. (Reveals Peruvia standing on a collection of bones with a shocked expression, then another explosion brings back the title)

Hop Pop: What is this demonic nonsense?

Anne: Hop Pop, this show's got beautiful people doing dumb things while stuff explodes! It's literally perfect.

Sprig: Awesome!

Polly: Let's do it!

Y/N: (Paris flies onto his shoulder and chirps) It sounds interesting.

Hop Pop: Now, hold on. Instead of that garbage, how 'bout I treat you to some real entertainment?

Sprig and Polly: Oh, no.

Hop Pop: A scene from The Shallow Pond. (Pulls out a scroll, clears his throat, and begins reading what's on the scroll) Sadness. The world is sadness. But look. There. A pond! Is it deep? Or shallow?

He looks at the kids, expecting them to be interested, but instead, all of them begin chanting "Suspicion Island", even Paris starts chirping joining in on the chanting, until Hop Pop caves in.

Hop Pop: Okay! (The kids and Paris cheer) Fine! But just one.

It not cuts to it being night-time, with the only light source coming from the phone screen itself. Anne, Y/N, Sprig, and Polly are so far engrossed with the episode, their eyes all bloodshot and veins visible, while Hop Pop looks uninterested, along with Paris who is fast asleep on Y/N's shoulder. Currently in the episode, two characters, Chad and Vivica, are standing on a cliffside, surrounded by pterodactyls.

Chad: It can't be, Vivica. These pterodactyls are clones of... my dead brother!

Anne: (Gasps with Y/N, Sprig, and Polly) NO WAY. (Hop Pop just rolls his eyes as Vivica is snatched away by a pterodactyl)

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