Season 1 Episode 5: Hop Luck

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The episode begins with the usual morning in Wartwood, where a massive dragonfly abducts a random frog, causing him to scream and beg for help, yet he receives none. Meanwhile, inside the Plantar Farm, Anne is showing Sprig, and Polly some videos of her cat, while Y/N is oblivious trying to remember what happened to him last night.

Anne: And this bad boy is my kitty Domino. (Domino meows) You guys would like her. She's got fire. (Mumbles to herself) Though I do have a replacement for now. (Looks to Y/N)

Sprig: Ooh!

Polly: Aw, she's so tiny! I feel huge!

Sprig: Hmm. I will... (pulls out a hammer) set her free!

Anne: (Takes the phone back before Sprig breaks it) Please stop doing that (Hears something sizzling, then takes a whiff of something bad) Ugh! What is that? Did something crawl under the house and die?

Y/N: (Shrugs) Maybe it's us we haven't showered in a few days. (Mumbles to himself) You get used to it after the first month.

Anne: Are you saying I smell bad?

Y/N: Nope, but I'm not saying you smell good either. (Receives a punch to the gut from Anne, and drops down to the ground clutching his stomach)

Sprig: (Takes a whiff as his eyes widen) Worse, Anne and Y/N. Much worse. Hop Pop is cooking! (Takes cover) Brace yourself.

Anne: Brace ourselves for what?

Soon, a large cloud of putrid fumes launch towards Anne and Y/N, with Anne getting hit and Y/N flying away due to how powerful the cloud was, and his height. As Sprig screams from the fumes, Hop Pop is scene making something revolting, slurping and humming to himself.

Sprig: What's the plan this year, Hop Pop? Poison the competition? (Gets hit with a spoon) Ooh!

Hop Pop: The plan is to win.

Anne: Win?

Hop Pop: The annual village potluck. Every year we frogs gather for a great contest. The family who brings the best-tasting dish is showered with love and copper coins. The family with the worst-tasting dish spends the night in... (ominous thunderclap occurs) the shame cage!

Anne: Brutal.

Y/N: The winner gets money? (Smirks) Sweet.

Sprig: And guess which family ends up there every year. (All three sigh, which gets Annen motivated to take action)

Anne: If you think I'm gonna let my favorite frog family end up in a cage, you've got another thing coming. I know I'm not technically a Plantar, but maybe I can help! (The three frogs look at her with hope)

Sprig: Anne, we'd sure appreciate it. (Looks to Y/N) How about you, Y/N? Are you gonna help?

Y/N: (Thinks about it) No, I won't.

Anne: (Looks to Y/N) Dude!

Y/N: Look guys I like y'all but I won't help y'all for two reasons: 1. I can't cook, and 2. I'm thinking of entering the competition myself.

Anne: But if you can't cook why enter the competition?

Y/N: (Shrugs) I don't know, just for the money?

Anne: But your not even going to be the one cooking if you join us?!

Y/N: (Crosses his arms) I'm still sticking with my decision.

Anne: (About to yell at Y/N for his actions, but decides to forget about it and walk over to Hop Pop) So, what you making over there, Hop Pop? Sock gumbo?

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