Season 1 Episode 11: Sprig vs Hop Pop

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The episode begins at the Plantar Farm on a hot and sunny day. Anne, Sprig, Polly, and Y/N, are seen pulling weeds from the vegetable patch, while Hop Pop relaxes on a chair and barrel footstool, drinking a cold drink with a lemon slice. Sprig gets up, sweating and exhausted, as two cowapillars pass in front of him, which gives the young frog an idea when staring at the weeds in his hands.

Sprig: (Runs over to Hop Pop) Hop Pop, Hop Pop! Great idea! What if we trained the cowapillars to eat the weeds? Then we wouldn't have to-

Hop Pop: Hup bup bup. Suggestion barrel's over there.

Hop Pop points to an unclean barrel with a letter slot, covered in leaves and fly groups as a tumbleweed passes by. Sprig excitedly runs over to the barrel, eats the flies, and writes down his idea on a piece of paper.

Sprig: Suggestion 89... (Y/N comes over with Anne, who was carrying Polly)

Anne: Hey, think he actually reads these?

Y/N: (Shrugs) Probably not.

Polly: Yeah I doubt it. I suggested a swimming pool months ago and that never happened.

Sprig: Oh, come on guys. Have a little more faith in Hop Pop. (Puts the letter in but ends up getting stuck) Oop... (He struggles to get his hand out, resulting in him having to climb on top of the barrel) Hand's stuck. (Ends up toppling the barrel, revealing a fire pit underneath, burning away all of Sprig's suggestions) What the...

Polly: Huh? A fire pit? That's the opposite of a swimming pool!

Sprig: (Cries out in outrage) Why, Hop Pop?! Why?!

Hop Pop: (Gets out of his chair to confront the whining frog) Because your suggestions were ridiculous! You can't just dig swimming pools anywhere. It attracts pests. Running a farm ain't easy, kids.

Sprig: Maybe. But if I were in charge, I'd listen to other people's suggestions, not burn them! (The fire pit then explodes behind Sprig, as Hop Pop confronts him face-to-face)

Hop Pop: You? Run the farm? Ha! Run it into the ground, maybe. (Enlarges his vocal sac and shoves Sprig)

Sprig: Oh yeah!? (Enlarges his own vocal sac and shoves Hop Pop back)

Polly: (Gasps) Is that an official challenge?

Y/N: Don't know what that means but I'm interested. (Looks to Polly)

Sprig then runs past Hop Pop and climbs up a tall pole with a large bell. He begins to holler as the repeatedly rings the bell, before jumping back down to Anne, Hop Pop, Polly, and Y/N.

Polly: Sprig Plantar, you have run the Plantar Family Challenge bell! What is your challenge?

Sprig: I want to replace Hop Pop and run the farm my way. (Points at the old frog)

Hop Pop: (Confidently) I do formally accept this challenge.

Y/N: I'm both interested and very confused as to what's gonna happen.

Anne: (Puts a hand on Y/N's shoulder) Calm down, buddy, I'm sure this will make sense in a moment.

A few minutes later, the girls and Y/N are sitting on a log next to a small bell, watching Hop Pop and Sprig, wearing loincloths, slathering themselves in mud on a large lily pad in a marsh.

Anne: (Confused) Never mind. What the heck's going on?!

Y/N: I second that question.

Hop Pop: The Plantar Family challenge.

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