Multiversal Mayhem Part 2: A FATEful Encounter

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The episode begins with a familiar turquoise frog taking a nice stroll through the town of Wartwood. This frog being One-Eyed Wally who can be seen playing his accordion and humming a musical toon.

Suddenly Wally hears something coming from behind him which causes him to grow worried. He looks to where the sound may be coming from cautiously only to see nothing there. He shrugs it off as he's about to continue walking, until he spots something in the sky out of the corner of his one eye.

He looks cautiously once more and what he sees leaves him astonished. What he sees is a red portal forming a few meters in the sky right above the towns statue. The portal then spews out Paris, and FNH (Y/N) both screaming in terror due to the rate they've been falling.

Suddenly another portal forms at the bottom of the statue, sucking in Paris and FNH (Y/N) once more as the two vanish along with the portal. Fate Wally soon gasps as of what he just saw, and soon runs off in fear.

Fate Wally: (screams in fear) Something just fell in front of the statue then disappeared.

Fate Toadie: (sees Wally walking about) Should we... do something about this, sir?

Fate Mayor Toadstool: (shrugs) Just ignore it, Toadie. Wally probably saw his shadow do something crazy again. (puts on some shades and relaxes on a blanket) Now, get fanning, Toadie! I want to feel the nice Spring breeze before Summer takes over.

Meanwhile in another area far from the valley we know and love, a robot looking like a chameleon can be seen walking through the forest having a satellite dish rise from the back of its head. Eventually it ends up picking up a different energy frequency, as it looks towards the sky seeing another portal beginning to slowly form.


The C-Bot then uses it's claws to climb up some of the trees around it, to get a better view of the portal, and maybe see as to what may or may not come out of it. The portal then fully forms, just a few meters in the clouds, right above a family wagon. The portal then spews out Paris and FNH (Y/N) once more, making the latter scream in terror as to where he currently is.

Suddenly he stops screaming as he sees Paris falling down even faster than him, which gives the boy the determination he needs to save his animal companion.

FNH (Y/N): Don't worry buddy I got you! (dives to reach him only to miss him completely, and begins to fall further towards the ground)

FNH (Y/N) looks up at Paris hoping that he'll be okay, but soon deadpans as he starts to see him starting to fly.

FNH (Y/N): Damnit I forgot he could fly!

Paris then dives with the hope of reaching FNH (Y/N) this time around, but much to no avail. FNH (Y/N) looks towards the ground and soon grows to except his fate.

FNH (Y/N): Well I guess this is the end. I had a good run, a very short run, but a good run nonetheless. Maybe I'll be reincarnated as a rich person. (realizes something) Damn, I've been falling for a long time.

Pretty soon he crashes through the roof of the family wagon face planting on the ground and creating a big whole in the roof. Doing this however makes the people who reside in it scream in fear or get caught off guard. He soon raises his head and with what little energy he has left decides to speak his mind.

FNH (Y/N): I fucking hate you gravity. (face plants once more as Paris finally flies in the family wagon, landing a top of FNH (Y/N)'s body)

FNH (Y/N) soon passes out but he's still slightly awake being able to make out the sound of people talking. Suddenly he's picked up and soon gets taken into the other room, with Paris following close behind worried for his owner.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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