Season 1 Episode 12: Girl Time

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The episode begins at the back of the Plantar house during a relaxing day, where Anne is relaxing with Polly, Y/N can be seen reading a book about the creatures that in habit Amphibia which he got from Hop Pop's study, though like all the other books he's read it's upside down. Sprig and Hop Pop are sitting nearby, dipping their feet in the pond.

Sprig: This one's going all the way, baby. (He then hawks and spits up high, as his spit lands half way across the pond)

Hop Pop: Heh! You call that a spit? Now watch this. (He then begins to gurgle, before firing his spit, which reaches the end and wakes up a hermit crab that's a tin cup as a shell)

Sprig: (Chuckles) Good one, Hop Pop? You wanna give it a try, Y/N? (Looks at the young teen)

Y/N: (Disinterested) Nah, I'll pass. On most days I would DIE to do this, but right now I can't cause I'm busy reading.

Anne: (Gasps) You're reading?!

Y/N: (Nods) Yes, Anne, I am reading by myself, since I'm becoming a big boy now, which means I no longer need your assistance when I read.

Anne: Thats great! (Mumbles to herself) All you need to do now is learn how to write.

Polly: (Whispers to Anne) Should we tell him that the book he's reading is upside down?

Anne: (Whispers back) Nah, let him find out on his own.

Y/N continues to read his book, but soon realizes that the words are upside down. He then looks towards the cover of the book, only to see that the cover is upside down as well.

Y/N: Okay, I MAY need your assistance when I read.

Anne just chuckles at his antics, but soon groans at the sight of Hop Pop and Sprig, getting ready to spit once more.

Anne: (Groans) Just when I thought you guys couldn't get nastier. (Sprig and Hop Pop gasp in blasphemy)

Hop Pop: Nasty? Why, spitting is practically a sport in Wartwood.

Sprig: We even have a town record. Whoever breaks the record gets a trophy. (Points to not only the gold trophy, but the record area in the town)

Y/N: (Smirks) Now that's cool.

Anne: (In disbelief) A trophy for spitting? I can't believe you two are exposing Polly to this sort of-

Polly: (Interrupts Anne by jumping off her lap) THAT RECORD IS MINE!

Polly then begins to gurgle extremely, getting Anne to recoil and evade and Y/N to shield himself with the book just as she fires her massive spit blob. The blob goes over the lake and lands on the hermit crab, encasing it. In short, Polly got further than her family members. The three boys begin congratulating the young tadpole on her spit attempt.

Hop Pop: That's my little spitter.

Sprig: You can spit the frown off a window.

Y/N: I won't lie, you have talent.

Anne: (Shudders, then notices something) Wait, a second...

Hop Pop: I always said you'd be the best in the family. (Picks his ear, pulling out earwax) Well, you take after your great aunt Gertrude. (Anne gasps in shock as Hop Pop sniffs his ear was) She was always good at spitting...

Hop Pop then puts his earwax into his pocket, getting Anne to cringe. She then gasps in shock as she witnesses Sprig dunk his head into the pond water and emerges with insects crawling around his head, and green gunk on his mouth.

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