Season 1 Episode 13: Dating Season

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The episode begins with a magnificent view of the forest, showing its massive trees and large mountains overlooking the valley. In the forest, Sprig Plantar is leading both Anne and Y/N through the forest for a nice stroll.

Anne: Why do we always hang out in the woods? You have a perfectly good living room.

Sprig: Where's the fun in that? This place is full of nature. Whoo-hoo!

Anne: (Watches and flinches as a ladybug gets eaten by a massive spider) Yeah. exactly.

Y/N: (Looks to the frog child) Yeah, sorry Sprig, but I agree with Anne. Sometimes it's best to leave nature alone every once and a while.

Sprig: (Looks to Y/N) Y/N, just because you think you encountered some weird-bird like creature, doesn't mean you have to just stay cooped up in the house for your whole life

Y/N: (Mumbles to himself) He wasn't just a bird but okay. (Realizes what he said) Wait did you say I THINK I encountered it? Dawg I KNOW I encountered it, I saw it with my own eyes.

Sprig: Sure you did buddy. Sure you did. (Walks away)

Y/N: (Flabbergasted) I'm not lying!

Sprig then begins to hum a tune, enjoying his nice walk, until a noise from the bushes catches his attention.

Sprig: (Gasps as he arms himself with a stuck) Stay back. It could be a bloodsucking predator!

Anne: You are really not selling me on this place.

Y/N: (Deadpans) Yeah if this bloodsucking predator is who I think it is, then he's gonna have to give me a few more days cause I'm tired of fighting him.

Sprig shushes Y/N as he approaches the bush, expecting to encounter the bloodsucking predator. Instead, he finds a gourd with a drawn smiley face on is and branches on top, making him widen his eyes as he knows what they encountered is much worse.

Sprig: Oh, no. It's an-

Suddenly, a yellow frog jumps out of the bushes and gets into a tussle with Sprig. A few seconds later, the mysterious frog jumps back into the bushes as Sprig plays dead.

Sprig: (Grunting) I'm hit! Sprig down! Sprig down!

???: (Emerges from the bushes) Ha-ha!

Sprig: (Gets up) Hey, Ivy. Nice ambush. Gourd on a wig? Classic.

Ivy: (Chuckles) Can't take all the credit. You're really easy to trick.

Sprig: Guilty as charged. (Both then chuckle until Anne interrupts them with a forceful cough)

Sprig: Oh, Ivy, meet Anne and Y/N. Oddities from another world. Anne and Y/N, meet Ivy. Childhood friend and occasional sparring partner. (He throws a punch, which gets blocked as he gets kicked to the ground, but he recovers and laughs it off)

Anne: Hey, Ivy.

Y/N: Hey, dude.

Ivy: Hey, I've seen you both around. (Offers a handshake, which Anne takes) Nice to officially meet. Do you like being randomly attacked?

Anne: Not at all.

Ivy: Well, too bad. How 'bout you, Y/N? (Looks to the boy for an answer)

Y/N: That depends, do you like rap battling?

Ivy: (Confused) Rap battling?

Sprig: (Whispers to Ivy) He means singing.

Ivy: (Realizes) Oh. Well no not exactly. Sorry Y/N, but I'm not really into singing

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