Season 1 Episode 9: Anne Theft Auto

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The episode begins off not in the Plantar Farm, but rather outside in the fields, where the Plantars, Anne, and Y/N are enjoying a nice ride on Bessie, the large purple snail the Plantars have and treat as an official family member. Currently, everyone has a relaxed expression on their face, enjoying the piece and quiet, while Y/N is having a good time with Paris.

Hop Pop: Ah, a leisurely outing with Bessie. Why, we could really go anywhere. Do anything.

Sprig: (Gets excited) Ooh, ooh! Can we get Swamp Slushies? They have new flavors.

Hop Pop: (Laughs before giving his answer) Nope. (Sprig gets upset and scowls)

Polly: (Gets excited) Can we go off-road? (Pulls on Hop Pop's eyelids) Do some crazy stunts?

Hop Pop: Double no. (Polly gets upset and scowls)

Anne: (Gets excited) Ooh, ooh! Can I drive?

Hop Pop: Sure.

Anne: Aw, come on, Hop Pop- Wait, really?

Hop Pop: Absolutely. I've been trying to teach this guy for years. (Points to Sprig)

Sprig: (Confirms) It's true.

Y/N: (Gets excited) Ooh, ooh! If she can drive then can I?

Hop Pop: Absolutely... (Y/N smiles) Not.

Y/N: (Groans) Why can she drive but I can't?

Hop Pop: It's because you'll most likely take Bessie to places you want to go, or just try to do tricks so he can show off to others in town.

Y/N: (Sits back in his seat and mumbles to himself) I just wanted to go on night drives, with Paris. (Paris chirps sadly)

Anne: Alright, enough! (Motions to her hands) Give me those reins. I'm ready to drive. (Confidence in her voice)

Back at the Plantar Farm, Hop Pop tosses a very heavy book onto a tree stump in front of Anne, instead of letting her drive Bessie.

Hop Pop: Not before reading this, you ain't.

Anne: (Confused) What?

Hop Pop: This is Bessie's History. Before touching a snail's reins, you gotta know them. Feel their heartbeat next to yours and become one.

Anne: Hop Pop, it's just a vehicle. We had a family car back home. It's no biggie. (Gets knocked to the ground as Hop Pop throws the book at her) Oof!

Hop Pop: Don't care. You can't drive Bessie, unless you read this cover to cover. And that's final.

Y/N: Well I'm glad I don't have to do that. (Looks to Hop Pop) If I read this then can I drive?

Hop Pop: I'll think about it.

Anne: Are there pictures? (Asks with hope)

Hop Pop: There are diagrams.

Anne: (Dramatically falls to her knees and dramatically cries out) Noooooooo!

Y/N: (Deadpans) Yeah I'm definitely not reading that now.

Hop Pop: Dramatic much? Now if you'll excuse me, Polly's due for a wash.

Y/N: Do you think you can take Paris as well. (Shows Paris who's head is dirty)

Hop Pop: (Sighs) I will but just this once. (Picks up a very dirty Polly from a mud puddle, and takes Paris from Y/N)

Polly: No, no. Wait. No! I'll just get dirty again. You can't stop me! I learned this from watching you two, Anne and Y/N! (Aggressively rolls away as Hop Pop gives chase)

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