Season 1 Episode 2: Best Fronds

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We begin with a flashback of how they arrived to this world of amphibians, back on Earth, more precisely a thrift store. On the inside, there's only two customers: Anne herself, and an old man admiring some shirts on sale.

Old Man: (Picks one up) Ah, this is a good shirt.

While the Old man is having a nice time shopping, Anne isn't doing well herself, as she's staring at the same box she has with her in the new world, sitting on a shelf.

Anne: All right, Anne. You can do this.

Anne looks towards the saleswoman in charge, seeing her fast asleep and snoring, before grabbing the box and stuffing it into her bag. She looks out the window, seeing her two friends, one with black hair and one with blonde hair, as the black haired one gives her a thumbs up as they leave.

Before Anne and the girls got to their bench, however we look upon a (H/C) hair colored boy, as he hides a bag that has a bit of cash behind a tree.

Y/N: (Sighs) The things I do for him.

Y/N then goes underneath one of the benches, so that way nobody would be suspicious of him, or wake him up and tell him he has to leave.

It is now night, as Anne and her two friends are now at the park, staring at the box and wondering just whats inside. But unknown to them Y/N is under the bench watching this unfold, not wanting to make any noise, and scare them. Anne opens the box, causing a bright rainbow light to shoot out, engulfing the four teen's vision. Soon, it shows Anne now waking up in a forest that she's never seen nor heard of.

Back to the present, Anne is seen tossing and turning in her sleep, before she sits up straight, screams, then gasps.

Anne: Guys, guys, guys. I just had the craziest dream. I was trapped in a world of frog pe-- (turns to find the Plantars and Y/N, holding Keith in his hand, just standing their, looking at her) Oh. (hugs her legs as Hop Pop croaks) Right.

Sprig: Hey, Anne. Sleep good? (Gets pulled back by Hop Pop)

Hop Pop: Careful, boy! They could be hungry.

Polly: For your guts!

Anne: Dude, relax. I am not gonna eat something that clearly doesn't bathe.

Y/N: (Still holding Keith) Ditto.

Hop Pop: (Eats one of the flies that has been buzzing around his head) Fair point.

Sprig: See? Told you they were harmless.

Hop Pop: Hmph. For now. (Heads upstairs with Polly following him, but she comes back does for a quick message)

Polly: Just give me an excuse to use old Doris here. (Motions to the rolling pin she's holding before going back upstairs)

Anne: I think the little one wants to kill us.

Y/N: Eh. I ain't afraid of her. (Looks up and sees the cellar closed) Huh, I don't remember closing that. (Gets ignored by Anne and Sprig)

Sprig: Yup. So, you must be so excited to be trapped in another world. Very jealous. (Falls over) Oh!

Anne: (Chuckles a bit) It's not all that. I miss my home and my stuff and especially... my friends. Without them, I just feel kind of lost. You know?

Sprig: Well, then, why don't I- (Y/N coughs) we be your friends in the meantime?

Anne: You?

Sprig: Me!

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