Season 1 Episode 4: Flood, Sweat and Tears

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The episode starts with Anne and Sprig at the Plantar's front yard with Y/N on the front porch testing his vocals. Anne is holding a tennis racket.

Sprig: You ready?

Anne: You set 'em up, and I'll knock 'em down.

Sprig: Okay. (digs underground.)

Anne: (Impatient) Come on. Come on!

Sprig: Coming at ya. (Jumps out with a large fly, and tosses it at Anne.)

Anne: Backhand! (She swings the racket at the fly, launching it a good distance away.)

Y/N: (From the porch) Nice swing Anne!

Anne: (Smiles) Thanks Y/N!

Sprig: (pops back up) Nice swing!

Anne: I was on varsity.

Sprig: I have no idea what that means.

Both perform their own handshake, then laugh, Y/N watches feeling somewhat left out, but knows that they will try and include him somehow.

Wally: (Playing his concertina) A frog child and a monster from the woods getting along? So unnatural. (Plays an unusual note.)

Anne: Pssh! Of course we get along. We're Sprig and Anne.

Sprig: Anne and Sprig.

Anne and Sprig: (Poses dramatically) Spranne against the world!

Wally: Disgusting.

Y/N: (Walks towards the three) Come on Wally, just let them have their fun.

Wally: (Sighs) Ok, sorry Y/N.

Both Anne and Sprig then look at Y/N.

Anne and Sprig: Thanks Y/N.

Y/N: (Pats them both on the back) No problem guys.

Suddenly, The Three kids then hear Hop Pop screaming from inside the house.

Anne: (Alerted) Was that Hop Pop?

Sprig: Sounds like he's in trouble. We're coming, Hop Pop! (He, Anne, and Y/N sprint into the house before heading towards) Hop Pop! Hop Pop!

Anne: (enters and discovers the room to be flooded with water) Whoa! What happened here?

Y/N: Heck yeah, indoor pool!

Sprig: Hop Pop? (Jumps back as Hop Pop comes out of the water)

Hop Pop: (Screams) Stay back! Darned burrow bugs must have chewed through the water pipes!

Anne: My room! My stuff!

Y/N: (Deadpans) It's my room to but ok.

Hop Pop: Don't worry, Anne. I saved your stuff, since Y/N didn't have anything. Except for your beds. And your blankets, and your pillows, pencils, t-shirts, hairbrush.

Anne: (Impatient) Just how long until it's fixed?

Hop Pop: Well, gotta find the leak and then patch it up good.

Sprig: Oh, let me help! (He is about to dive, but Hop Pop stops him from doing so)

Hop Pop: Oh no ya don't! This here's river water. No tellin' what creepy creatures are swimmin' around. (lamprey reveals its eyes above the water then swimming again)

Anne: Uh, where are we going to sleep?

Hop Pop: Well, the living room isn't a palace, but the couch is comfortable.

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