12. Big News

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The night that Otis proposed, we spent all night in bed together. It seemed like every moment we weren't on shift or had guests over, we were doing the horizontal tango. Then the day the engagement party, before going on shift, I took a pregnancy test. I had been feeling sick for a week or two but wanted to make sure.

It was positive.

I was freaking out on the way to work because I didn't know what to tell Otis. I knew he'd be ecstatic about the baby but the words couldn't come out.

Otis's hand was on my thigh until we showed up. On the way inside, we were holding hands. Once we put our stuff away, I went to find Joe. We were very close and I didn't know who else to go to.

I found Joe's arm as soon as I found him. "I need to talk to you."

"Is it serious?" Joe asked as I dragged him into the turnout room.

I crossed my arm as soon as we were alone. "I'm pregnant."

Joe grinned, grabbing my shoulders. "Oh my goodness, Guadalupe! Congratulations! Does Otis know?"

I shook my head. "No. I wanted to but my words left me. You're the first to know."

"Well, I'm glad, but you need to tell Otis as soon as you can," Joe said. "Especially before the engagement party tomorrow. You can make an announcement at the party!"

I sighed. "I guess. I'll go find him now."

Before we could leave the turnout room, the alarms went off. Everyone got called out to a crash involving a semi and a mini van. It was a long, stressful call that had everybody on high alert.

After we got back from the crash, I grabbed Otis and dragged him into a secluded spot.

"What is it?" He asked. "Is everything alright?"

I nodded. "Everything's good but I've got some good news. I'm pregnant."

Otis stared at me blankly. "I think I misheard you. You're what?"

"I'm pregnant."

Otis let out a cheer and picked me up, spinning me around. I squealed and held on tight.

Finally, he set me down. "I'm so excited, Lupe! When did you find out?"

I still held on tight. "This morning. I wanted to tell you on the way home but didn't. I asked Joe about it so I knew what to say to you and he suggested announcing it at the engagement party tomorrow."

Otis squeezed my sides. "That is a great idea. And I'm so happy we're having a baby!"

I grinned. "I am too. Do you know how much I love you?"

Otis pulled me closer. "Not as much as I love you."

We kissed briefly before going to join the others. Otis stayed by my side most of the shift. He was acting more protective than usual.

Close to the time everyone was going to bed, I grabbed Otis and took him to a secluded area. There was a question burning at the back of my mind.

"What is it?" Otis asked. "Is something wrong?"

I shook my head. "No. But do you think we should tell Chief about the pregnancy? Before the engagement party? Because it sounds like something he should know soon."

"You can tell him in the morning," Otis said. "Do you want me to be there with him?"

I shook my head. "I can do it. He can probably assume it's yours anyways."

Otis pulled me in close as he chuckled. "You're right, like always. I'll be there if you want me to."

"Yeah, I know. You're always there," I replied. "I'm going to head to bed. I'll see you tomorrow."

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