02. Shaken

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It was my second day at the firehouse. I walked in and was greeted by Otis again. He walked me into the locker room and stood with me as I put my stuff away.

"You know, those tattoos are really cool," Otis said. "I don't think I'm the type for them but you make them look great."

I smiled. "Thanks, Otis. I really like them too. Chief said they were fine, so I can get more."

"Do you even have any room left?" Otis asked.

I winked. "You'll find out."

Otis's face went slack and I laughed for real. I played it off and we went into the commons room. I talked with Dawson and Joe. I wanted to get to know them more. Besides, Joe seemed like a really cool person.

I leaned forward. "So what's Otis like?"

"Why?" Dawson asked. "You like him or something?"

I shrugged. "I think he's cute. What's he like?"

"Worse person ever. He's never clean and he's very awkward," Joe said. "I live with him. Trust me."

Dawson rolled her eyes. "Don't listen to him. Otis is cute alright and he definitely likes you. He hasn't stopped looking at you. Look over your shoulder."

I glanced over at Otis and he looked away quickly, looking flustered. I laughed and looked back at the other two.

"I say go for it," Dawson said. "He's worth it. Otis is a nice guy."

Joe raised his hands and leaned back. "I don't agree but whatever. Just don't break him too badly."

I burst out laughing and Dawson threw a piece of paper at him. We joked around for a while before we got called out to a fire.

I sat in the truck with the others and I sat down next to Otis. I talked to him as we drove and I shot questions about how Firehouse 51 dealt with fires.

We arrived at the fire and I got off the truck. I was sent inside with Casey. I had fought fires before and I knew what to do but being with a new crew was unnerving. Casey was a scary dude too.

I hopped off the truck with Otis and did as instructed. I got handed the hose and I aimed it at the fire. Otis stood beside me, giving me little tidbits as I worked.

When we returned, I went to the locker room to grab something. Otis came in too and greeted me.

"You know, Otis," I said. "You're pretty cute."

Otis blushed. "Thanks. You are too, Lupe."

"Wanna go out?" I asked. "I'm trying to get to know my co-workers. You seem pretty cool."

Otis smiled and nodded. "That'd be nice. I own a bar called Molly's. I can take you there."

I bit my lip. "I'm more of an ice cream parlor kind of girl. I like my beers, don't get me wrong, but I love ice cream."

"I know a great ice cream place I can take you to," Otis offered. "I would love to take you there."

"Sounds lovely," I said. "How about this Friday?"

Otis nodded. "That'll work. I'll see you then."

I smiled and continued on with what I was doing. I left, Otis following. I sat at the table with Joe and Otis. I spent some time with them until the intercom rang.

I got up and went to the truck with everyone else. When we arrived, I was paired with Otis and we were sent in.

I was heading for an entrance when the roof started crackling and whining. I froze and stared at it. The wood creaked and groaned.

"Guadalupe!" Otis yelled.

"I have to check that room!" I yelled.

"It's too dangerous!" Otis called, coming closer. "It's time to go!"

"Not yet!"

The wood started to break as Otis grabbed my arm. He yanked me away and into his arms. We stared into each other's eyes, frozen for a moment.

I shook out of first and stepped away. "We have to go. The building's going to go down."

Just as we started to leave, Chief came on the radio. "Otis, Martínez, you two better be heading out."

"Don't worry, Chief," Otis replied. "We'll be out in a second."

"Good," Chief said. "The building is about to go down. You have a minute."

Otis grabbed my arm and we hurried out. We stumbled out of the building, Otis still holding onto my arm. We moved far enough away from the building.

We stood on the road, staring at the fire. I was breathing heavily, my heart beating rapidly. When I calmed down a little, I looked down at where Otis was holding my arm. He looked down at it too before looking into my eyes. My breath hitched.

He pulled away. "Sorry about that. Just wanted to make sure you were alright."

I nodded, my breathing still uneven. "Yeah, okay. I should've moved when you said."

"Don't beat yourself up, Guadalupe," Otis said. "You were trying to find someone."

I nodded, looking at the building. "I-I could've died if it weren't for you."

Otis stepped into my eyesight and I looked into his eyes. "It's alright, Lupe. When we get back to the house, we can talk about it if you want."

I nodded and wiped my face. We climbed into the truck and I stared out of the window. The city passed by in a blur.

When we got to the firehouse, I went into the bathroom to wash my face. I grabbed a paper towel and dipped it in the water. As I was cleaning my face, Otis came in. He smiled at me and started washing his face too.

"Are you alright?" Otis asked.

I nodded, taking in a shaky breath. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just a little shaken. I'll be alright."

Otis's hand gently brushing my arm. "I'll be here for you, Guadalupe."

I wiped some soot off from under my eye. "I know. I'll be here for you too."

Otis smiled and continued washing his face. I threw the used towel away and kissed Otis's cheek before leaving. This job was worth it sometimes.

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