07. Night In

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I laid on my bunk at the firehouse, scrolling through my phone. I hadn't moved in the past hour and I felt good for the break. Otis came in to find me and pulled up a chair.

I sat up and smiled at him. "Hey, Otis. What's up?"

Otis shrugged. "Nothing much. I was just wondering where you were."

"Well, you found me," I said. "Need anything?"

Otis shook his head. "Not really. Are you up for another date sometime soon? The first one was really fun."

I nodded. "Of course. I think that's a great idea and you're super cute."

Otis smiled shyly. "Thanks, Guadalupe. Where do you want to go?"

I shrugged. "You could come over to my place and we could watch some movies."

Otis nodded. "Yeah, that sounds great. I have some great movies ideas."

"I don't doubt it," I said. I looked around the bunk room. "It's really homey here. It's really different than my old firehouse. I like it here."

"Me too," Otis said. "I've been here for a long time and I wouldn't trade it for the world."

"I can see why," I said. "You guys are really nice."

Otis smiled. "Thanks."

The intercom went off before we could say anything else and we headed out. I climbed into the truck and sat down. The ride was silent besides the wailing sirens and a few comments.

I looked out the front window and saw billowing smoke. "This is going to be a fun one."

"Let's just get the job done," Kasey said. "We aren't going to back down."

"Of course not," Herrmann said. "We're firefighters."

We arrived and I stepped out. I was paired with Joe and we ran inside. We got everyone out and stood outside, watching the fire.

"How are you and Otis?" Joe asked. "Is everything going alright?"

I nodded. "Yeah. We're actually going on a date after our shift."

Joe smiled at me. "You guys are cute together. I've never seen Otis smile so much before meeting you."

I smiled. "Thanks. He's really cute."

Joe smiled. "Whatever you say."

We finished up and headed back. I sat beside Otis and I talked with him the entire time. Our conversations flowed easily and I had never laughed harder.

At the end of our shift, Otis and I walked out of the firehouse. Otis had his hand tucked into my back pocket. When we got to my car, I turned to him.

I leaned against my car, biting my lip. "Wanna come over tonight?"

Otis smiled grabbing my waist and stepping closer. "Sure. What are we gonna do?"

I dropped my bag and wrapped my arms around his neck. "I have a few ideas in mind. We'll have to see what fits though."

Otis grinned and I could feel his pelvis pressed against me. "I think we can do that. I can't wait."

I kissed his cheek. "You can wait, mister. I'll see you tonight."

Otis kissed me, biting my lip softly. I laughed and pushed him away. I got into my car and drove to my apartment. I parked and went inside, dumping my bags in my room. I chose a few movies and waited around for Otis to show up. I wanted to hit it but I didn't know if it would happen. Otis was cute and his facial hair was hella attractive.

I was scrolling through my phone when the doorbell rang. I got up and opened the door. Otis stood there, smiling when he saw me. I greeted him and let him inside. We sat around for a while, basically just drinking beers and doing whatever.

I laughed at some joke Otis made. "That's hilarious. What do you want to do now? I don't want to sit around all night."

Otis gave me a suggestive look. "I have a few ideas."

I smiled. "Yeah, me too. I'll have to get another beer though." I stood up. "Not saying I can't get it on now, but you know that's always more fun with a bit more alcohol."

Otis followed me into the kitchen. "I agree. I'll need another one too."

I grabbed another beer for Otis and I. We finished and we were pretty tipsy. Otis grabbed my hips and we started dancing. I wrapped my arm around his neck and pressed closer to him. Our faces were super close to each other.

I kissed him and we stopped dancing around. Otis picked me up and set me onto the counter. We kissed for sometime before I pulled away, breathless. We stared into each other's eyes and panted.

"Let's go to my room," I said. "I can't wait any longer."

Otis smiled and picked me up. He carried me into my room and threw me onto the bed. I laughed and slipped off my shirt. Otis did too and crawled on top of me.

He slipped his arms under me and bit my neck. I threw my head back and laughed, digging my nails into his back. It was going to be a fun night.

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