11. Move In Day

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I picked up the last bag of mine and looked around my apartment. It was entirely empty. I was saddened to leave but it didn't matter. I was moving in with my two best friends.

Otis entered the room. "Hey, you ready to go?"

I nodded. "Yeah. Let's go."

I left and got into Otis's car. Everyone from the firehouse had come and I was so thankful they helped. I wouldn't have gotten everything out in the time we did. Otis drove me back to our apartment. I sang to the radio and jammed out. Otis laughed and watched me.

We arrived at the apartment and entered. Joe had gotten there before and was waiting for us. He smiled at us.

Joe pointed at some bags. "Where do you want these?"

"In my room," I said. "I'll help."

We carried the bags into the room and dumped them at the end of the bed. I had sold a majority of my stuff because Otis had what I needed. I started putting everything away when Otis came in. He wrapped his arms around my waist, burying his head into my neck.

"Hey there," I said.

"Hey," Otis mumbled.

I gently ran my hand through his hair. "Tired?"

Otis nodded. "You had a lot of stuff."

"I know," I murmured. "Hungry?"

Otis nodded as he hummed. "We have some stuff from last night we can have."

I agreed and we went out into the main part of the apartment. Joe was warming up some food and he greeted us. We warmed up some food and all sat around the table. We joked around and laughed.

After dinner, I helped Joe clean up. When I finished, Otis invited me to go up to the roof. We went up there and Otis started playing love music. We started dancing around, laughing and talking. The city went on around us and I could hear cars below us.

After about fifteen minutes of dancing around, Otis pulled away and kneeled down on the ground. I blushed and giggled, getting antsy. Otis grinned and opened a little box with a ring in it.

"I want to marry you," Otis said. "I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Ever since I met you on your first day, I knew you were the one. You are the only person I've loved this much in my entire life that wasn't my family. Guadalupe, will you marry me?"

"Yes," I said. "Yes, Otis, I will."

Otis smiled and stood up, kissing me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he held onto my waist. He pulled away and put the ring on my finger. It wasn't much but it was enough. We kissed each other one last time before going back downstairs.

Joe was sitting on the couch when we walked in. He looked up and smiled. "What'd you say, Lupe?"

I raised my hand and wiggled my fingers. "I said yes."

Joe cheered and got up, hugging me. He congratulated us and started asking questions about the wedding. Of course, he was going to be the groomsman for Otis. I took a picture of the ring and sent it to the girls of the firehouse.

I looked over at Otis, a bright smile on his face. He met my gaze, a loving look in his eyes. That was the man I was going to marry and I was so excited.

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