09. Love Me All Night

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I sat in a bar and sipped on my drink, Otis by my side. He had a beer in his hand and a smile on his face. It was fun to hang out and just chill for a bit. It was fun to be there at the bar with Otis.

Otis was halfway through a story when Joe joined us. He added some bits into Otis's story and we all laughed at the funny parts.

"Guadalupe, what's your favorite childhood memory?" Otis asked.

I tapped the table. "I have to say it's when I was wrestling my brother and accidentally broke his arm. It's funny now but it wasn't then."

"You broke your brother's arm?" Joe asked.

I nodded, laughing. "It's hilarious how I did it. We were just wrestling and I guess I just bent it and it snapped."

"Fun," Otis said. "Um, do you want to head back to my place?"

I brushed my hair over my shoulder. "Yeah. Do you want to go now?"

Otis nodded. "Joe, do you need a ride?"

Joe shook his head. "No. I'm actually meeting a date here. You two go have fun. Don't worry about me."

I smiled and got up. "Come on, Otis. We'll let Joe have fun with his date."

Joe stuck his tongue out at me and I laughed

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Joe stuck his tongue out at me and I laughed. I grabbed Otis's hand as we left. He grinned over at me and pulled me close. We walked to his car and got inside. As we drove off, Otis placed a hand on my upper thigh. We shared a gaze and I laughed, looking out the window.

We drove back to Otis's apartment and we didn't even make inside before we started kissing. We hastily entered Otis's apartment and stumbled into Otis's room. He picked me up and tossed me on the bed, causing me to bounce. He crawled on top of me and bit my neck. I giggled and softly scratched his back.

Otis sat up and took off his shirt, leaving me to undress. I slipped off my pants and underwear. I followed with my shirt and tossed it to the side. Otis stopped with unbuttoning his pants to look over my body.

He gently ran his hands over my stomach before looking into my eyes. "I love you so much, Guadalupe." His thumb circled around my hip. "Don't ever forget that."

I breathed in. "Yeah, I won't. I love you too."

Otis bent down and kissed me. "I won't stop loving you."

I let out a breathy laugh as he bit my neck. Otis was the man I wanted to be with. I could feel his boner pressing against my leg. I tucked on his hair, moaning. I could feel Otis smile against my shoulder and one of his hand moved toward my groin.

His hand stopped just above my bikini line and he looked into my eyes. "Can I?"

I nodded. "Go ahead."

His fingers slipped inside me and I gasped, my eyes rolling up. This was going to be a fun night.

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