10. Routine

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I had been at Firehouse 51 for a few months and I loved it. I loved the people and loved being with Otis. He was so kind and treated me so nicely. I met his family and they loved me so much. My family loves him too and everything worked out.

I sat in the locker room and brushed out my hair. Otis walked in and kissed my cheek as he passed. I giggled and bent over to put my hair into a bun. He pulled off his shirt and I wrapped my arms his waist.

"Hey," Otis greeted as he grabbed another shirt. "How are you?"

"Good," I said as I buried my face into Otis's back. "I'm tired. Wanna come over to my apartment?"

"Yeah." Otis moved my arms and he put on his shirt. "We could watch a movie."

I rubbed my face. "Yeah. I'll probably fall asleep though."

Otis turned around, fixing his shirt. "That's alright. I don't mind."

I rested my head against his chest. "I'm so, so tired. Take me home please."

Otis hugged me. "It's a good thing I picked you up. Let's go."

I nodded and pulled away. I grabbed my bag and left with Otis. We said goodbye to everyone and got into Otis's car. I rested my head against the window, sighing heavily.

"Is something else bothering you?" Otis asked.

I shook my head. "Nah. I'm just tired."

Otis reached over and grabbed my hand. "I have a question."

"Oh no."

Otis laughed. "It's not bad. I was wondering if you wanted to move in with Joe and I. We already talked about I and he doesn't mind. He really likes you and wants another roommate."

I nodded. "Sure, yeah. My lease is ending soon anyway so I need to look for a place."

"You'll move in with us."

"Great," I said. "I don't have much to pack and I can sell some stuff."

"We'll make plans to move you in," Otis said as he parked.

I got out and headed for the door. Otis joined me and took my hand. I unlocked the door and we walked in. I started looking for a movie as Otis got some food ready. He came in with two plates just as I narrowed the options down.

I held up the movies. "Which one?"

Otis set the plates onto the coffee table and sat down. "I say Incredibles."

I set the movies aside. "Good choice. I like that movie. My favorite character is Frozone."

Otis smiled. "Yeah. I like Violet. She's so funny."

I joined Otis on the couch. "Ready?"

Otis nodded and I pressed play. The movie started and I rested my head on Otis's shoulder. I didn't even make it through the first twenty minutes before I fell asleep in Otis's arms.

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