01. First Day

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I was starting my first day at Firehouse 51 and I was nervous. I was switching because of a problem with another firefighter.

I got ready and put my hair into a braid. I grabbed my glasses and my backpack before heading out.

I arrived at the firehouse. I entered and was greeted by a man with a mustache and crazy hair.

"Hi," he said. "How may I help you?"

"I'm looking for Chief Boden," I replied. "I'm the new transfer. I'm supposed to meet him."

The man nodded, smiling widely. "Of course. Come with me. I'm Brian Zvonecek but most people call me Otis."

He led me to an office. He even opened the door for me, giving me a nod and a smile before leaving.

"Hello," I said to Chief Boden. "I'm Guadalupe Matínez-Rodrígez, the new transfer."

Boden got up and stuck out his hand. "I'm Chief Boden, as you may know. I can show you around and introduce you to the crew."

I nodded and Chief led me out of his office. He called everyone to the commons room. I stood by his side and waited for everyone. I spotted Otis standing near the back and he smiled at me. I shyly smiled back and tucked a loose piece of hair behind my ear.

"This is Guadalupe Martínez-Rodrígez," Chief introduced. "She's the new firefighter here. She's going to be working here from now on so be nice. Give her a good Firehouse 51 welcome."

I got a series of greetings from the group of firefighters. They dispersed and I went over to the couch to sit next to Otis.

"Hey, Guadalupe," Otis said. "This is Joe Cruz, my friend, and the truck driver."

"Hola, Guadalupe," Joe greeted. "¿Cómo está?"

I giggled. "Buena. ¿Cómo esta?"

"Bueno," Joe said. "Where are you from?"

"Portland, Oregon," I replied. "I wanted a change of scenery, I guess. What about you?"

"I'm from here," Joe answered. "I like it here at the firehouse. I hope you do too."

I smiled a little and glanced at Otis. "I hope so too. It seems like a nice place and the people seem nice too."

"The people are great, Guadalupe," Otis said. "Can I give you a nickname? Something like Lupe?"

I shrugged and nodded. "Sure, I guess. Isn't Otis a nickname too?"

Otis nodded but before he could speak, an older man spoke up.

"He's named Otis because he's an elevator technician," the man said. "Otis is the most common type of elevator."

I laughed. "Seriously? I like it. It's cute."

Otis smiled shyly and scratched the back of his neck. "Thanks, Lupe."

The intercom buzzed and everyone got up. I followed and jumped into the truck with the others. I ended up sitting next to Otis and we talked on the way to the building fire.

We got out and I was paired with Otis. We searched the lower floors and got a few people out. Dawson called me over to help with some of the injured people and I jogged over.

When we got back into the truck, I was exhausted. It never got that tiring after a call at the previous firehouse I worked at.

I yawned and Otis smiled at me.

"Tired already?" Otis asked.

I laughed, sighing. "Yeah, a little. I didn't get that much sleep last night."

"I know a remedy for insomnia," Otis said. "My grandma taught me it."

"We don't want to hear it, Otis," Herrmann snapped.

"I'm trying to help the new girl," Otis said. "Something wrong with that?"

"It is when you're flirting with her," Joe called from the front seat.

Everyone laughed and Otis scratched the back of his neck, smiling shyly. When our eyes met, I winked at him. He chuckled and avoided my gaze for the rest of the trip.

When we got out, I looked for Chief Boden. He pulled in with his car and I walked up to him as he got out.

"Hey, Chief," I said. "Can I talk to you?"

Chief nodded. "Yeah. Let's go into my office."

I followed him into his office and he went behind his desk. He stood there, looking at me expectantly.


"What's your opinions on tattoos?" I asked, sticking my hands into my pockets. "I know some employers don't like them but I wanted to know what you thought."

Chief shrugged, placing his hands on his waist. "I don't mind them. Why do you ask?"

I took my hands out of my pockets and took off my jacket. I rolled up my sleeves and showed my arms. I had sleeves on both arms and multiple covering the rest of my body.

"These are just the ones on my arms," I stated. "I have others too."

Chief nodded, studying my tattoos. "They won't be a problem, Martínez. They're really nice, by the way."

I smiled, tucking my jacket in my arm. "Thanks, Chief. I didn't want them to be a problem."

Chief nodded. "They aren't. You don't need to ask before you get another."

I nodded, smiling. "Thanks, Boden."

Chief nodded and I walked out of his office. I joined the others and they made a lot of comments about my tattoos. Otis especially. He really liked them. I was starting to like that place.

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