16. When I'm Working

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It was finally time to go back to work. I wasn't excited to leave Ximena with someone else while Otis and I were on shift but I couldn't avoid it. Otis had to reassure me several times that she was going to be fine.

Otis and I were alone in the locker room as we were putting away our bags. I left before Otis and went to the common room. There was nobody in there, and finding it suspicious, I walked in slowly and cautiously. Everyone jumped out from different areas, yelling and throwing confetti. A cake was brought out and I was pulled into the group. Everybody was happy to see me again. It didn't feel like a long time since I had left but to them, it seemed like a long time had passed.

After all the excitement  had passed, I sat down at the table with Otis and Joe.  It wasn't a bad start to the day, with a few calls before lunch. During lunch, I helped make the food. I was trying to keep my mind off of Ximena and how she was doing with the babysitter. I tried to remind myself that she was with a good person and was going to be safe. 

Just as we finished the food, there was a call for a structure fire. We all loaded up and were at the fire in no time. I was paired with Joe on the primary search on the floors closer to the fire. Getting into the grind of things made me feel amazing. Being in an emergency responder position like Otis and I was dangerous but gave me meaning in life.

After the search was done, Joe and I were tasked with getting any victims on the lower levels that were farther away from the fire. There were multiple people to get out. With Joe in the front, I took up the back of the group of people we were helping. With the fire getting closer, we were trying to get everybody out.

I felt the heat on my back before I felt the explosion. It was far enough away that myself and the people around me only stumbled. But knowing how dangerous things had just gotten, I rushed them faster. By the time we were outside, the floors were beginning to creak and collapse in on each other.

"Joe, Lupe, go see the medics before we go," Chief Boden said. "I want to make sure you two are good to work."

We went to the medics and got checked out. We were both cleared and sent on our way. I climbed back into the rig and we were on our way back to the station. When we got to the station, I helped put the rig back in order before joining everyone in the common area.

We sat awhile in the room before we all moved into other parts of the firehouse. I ended up in the bunkroom with Stella and Sylvie. We were chatting a lot. They both wanted to know how Xemana was doing and wanted to see pictures.

"Oh, you and Otis had such an adorable baby," Sylvie said. "I'm so happy for you guys."

"She's great," I said. "She still keeps us up at night but we love her."

"Is Otis trying to get her to be a firefighter already?" Stella asked.

"Not yet," I said. "With her being deaf, I think he knows that she can't be one. I hope it doesn't disappoint him though."

"Why would he be disappointed over that adorable baby?" Sylvie stated.

"He's mentioned that he'd like to have a child follow in our footsteps," I said. "With Ximena being deaf, she can't do that."

"Have you thought about having another kid?" Stella asked. "I know you just had your baby but it's a thought."

"We're going to wait until Ximena is older," I replied. "I also don't want to be too busy with work and raising two toddlers."

"That makes sense," Sylvie said. "I've always wanted children but I know how difficult they can be."

"Do you want to take mine?" I asked. "I could use a break."

The two of them laughed.

"I'd be willing to watch over her whenever you need it," Sylvie said. "I love watching kids."

"I might take you up on that because Otis and I were talking about going on a date sometime soon," I said. "It's hard to do that with a baby."

"Anytime you need me, I'll be there," Sylvie said. "What about you, Stella? Seeing anyone?"

Stella shook her head. "No, not yet. I'm starting single for as long as I can."

"I saw you looking at Severide the other day," I pointed out. "What about that, huh?"

Stella looked like a deer in the headlights. "He's a good firefighter! I'm just looking up to a good role model in firefighting."

"Yeah, sure, like we haven't caught you checking him out," I said. "We have eyes, you know. And though I might have just had a baby and on leave for awhile, but that doesn't make me ignorant to what happens here. I have eyes and ears everywhere."

We burst out laughing. After a moment of silence, we split up and went on our way. I laid down on my bunk and scrolled through my phone. It felt nice to be by myself for a bit. Until the bells went off and we had to go on a call.

We got back late and I went straight to my bed to go to sleep. Once I laid down, Otis came over and kissed me forehead, bidding me goodnight before he laid down too. The rest of the night went off without a hitch and before I knew it, we were in the locker room getting ready to leave. Joe, Otis, and I left the firehouse together. Otis and I were holding hands, our emotions in high hopes. We were going back to our little girl.

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