19. New Start

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I laid in the hospital bed alone, a little bundle in my arms. I had a son that I had named Bryan, a variation of Brian's name. He was a handsome baby with a full head of hair already. From what I had seen of Brian's baby pictures, Bryan looked almost exactly like him. I wondered how similar they would look as Bryan as he grew up.

There was a knock on the door and Joe poked his head into the room.

"Hey, Lupe," he greeted. "I brought you a visitor. Are you up for one?"

I nodded. "Yes, come in."

Joe stepped in and brought Ximena in. She shuffled over to my bed and she peaked at Bryan.

She looked at me. "Is this my baby brother?"

I nodded, moving him for her to see him better. "Yes, it is and his name is Bryan."

Ximena stared at baby. "Just like Daddy."

"Yeah, it is like Daddy's name," I replied. "I spelled it with a y, though, unlike Daddy's name because his name is spelled with an I."

"Can I cuddle with you and the baby, Mommy?" Ximena asked.

I nodded, shifting over. "I always welcome cuddles from my baby girl."

As Ximena climbed into the bed with me, Joe sat in the chair next to me. We talked for the rest of the afternoon. I had another night at the hospital before I could return home. Joe brought Ximena and I dinner. We ate together in the hospital room as the baby napped. After dinner, Joe and Ximena left. Joe had been watching my little girl since I had been in the hospital. He was a Godsend and I loved him for everything that he had done for us since Brian died. Joe had such a good and kind soul.

I looked at Bryan, asleep in his crib. He looked so cute and small. I had a feeling that he was going to look like Otis. I just didn't know how much. That little baby boy was the light of my life.

The next morning, Joe came to pick me up. He came with Ximena, who skipped into the room with a smile on her face. I was released by the nurses soon after and I left with my people. Joe carried Bryan with my backpack on his back while Ximena carried another bag of mine. I only carried a small bag as I wasn't allowed to carry anything too heavy.

Joe and I loaded the car. I helped Ximena with her booster seat. She was big enough to sit in one but not big enough to sit without one, much to her complaint. She was already getting very big and I missed the little girl that I once had.

We arrived at the apartment and Chloe joined us outside. They would be staying with me for a few days so I could get in my feet. Joe had moved out with Chloe at the start of my pregnancy but vowed to come often to help out with anything I needed.

Joe carried Bryan inside the nursey and laid him inside the crib. Bryan had fallen asleep on the drive home and we were taking full advantage of him being asleep.

I stepped out into the living room and found Ximena sitting on the couch. She was holding a picture of Otis sitting on the bumper of the engine in his dress uniform.

When I sat next to Ximena, she looked up at me. "Mommy, I don't want to forget Daddy. But I already can't remember the sound of his voice."

I wrapped my arm around her shoulders to pull her close. "I can find videos for you to watch of him. And we've got photos like this so you won't forget his face."

Ximena stared down at the picture. "I still don't want to forget him. I miss him a lot."

I rubbed her shoulder. "I do too, baby. What brought on these feelings?"

She shrugged. "I saw this picture on the side table. Do you miss Daddy, too?"

"A lot," I replied. "He was my best friend and we were super close."

"Are you going to forget him?" Ximena asked. "Because if you forget, then so will I."

"I'm not going to forget him," I replied. "Because I see him in you and your brother. He's in places you might not even think of. If you feel any other emotions related to him, you can come to me again. I can help you through it."

Ximena nodded. "I will. I love you, Mom."

"I love you too, baby."

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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