08. Morning After

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I woke up with Otis sleeping at my side. I slowly got up and grabbed one of Otis's shirts and slipping it on. I left the room and walked into the kitchen. Joe was in the kitchen, making himself a cup of coffee.

He looked up at me. "Buenos Días, Guadalupe."

I opened up a cabinet. "Buenos Días, Joe. Do you have cereal?"

"Cabinet to your right," Joe answered. "Bowls are beside the stove."

I grabbed some Coco Puffs. "Thanks. I'm starving."

"Rough night last night?" Joe asked, a teasing tone to his voice.

I laughed. "Whatever. I'm always hungry when I get up."

Joe hummed. "Of course."

I bummed Joe with my hip. "I'd shut up if I were you."

Otis stumbled out of the bedroom. His hair was an absolute mess and he was wearing crumpled clothes. He joined us and kissed my cheek, mumbling a good morning. I sat at the breakfast bar and Otis sat beside me after getting himself breakfast.

"What time are we leaving for the station?" I asked. "Because I need to pick up some stuff from my apartment."

"We leave in an hour," Otis replied with a mouthful of food. "We can drive over to your place before that though."

"Okay," I said, finished my cereal. "I'll go get dressed."

I got up and went into Otis's room. I changed and went into the bathroom. I couldn't find a hairbrush and decided just to leave it until I got to my place. When I left the bathroom, Otis and Joe were already ready. We left and drove to my apartment.

I left them in the car and went inside. I brushed out my hair and grabbed my bag. Heading back out, I got inside their car and we drove off. It wasn't too long before we arrived at the station. We walked into the station and into the locker room. I put my bag in my locker and grabbed a book.

I joined the others in the commons room and I sat into a chair, leaning back. I opened up my book and started reading. Otis joined me and placed a hand on my leg. We talked for a bit as I read my book. We got called out and I set my book down. I sat in the truck, staring out the window.

We arrived at a construction site and I spotted the reason we were called. Part of the sight had collapsed and people were waving us over. I jumped out of the truck, putting my hat on. They explained what happened and I started helping out. We worked for so long, hauling rocks and other various things away.

Dogs were brought in to help with our search. I was tired and weak but I continued. Otis came over to help with what I was doing. He helped me, offering me words of advice and making me laugh. He never failed to make me laugh.

It was late in the evening when it was time to leave. I climbed back into the truck and drove back. My body was covered in sweat and I was dehydrated. I leaned my head against the window, staring out the window.

We climbed out and as I was taking off my pants, I stumbled. Otis caught me. We stared into each other's eyes for a few seconds before I looked away.

"Thanks," I said, stepping out of my pants. "What're you doing after work?"

"Taking you on a date."

I laughed. "I didn't think you'd be so forward, Otis."

"It's a good thing I like you," Otis said. "Where do you want to go?"

"For drinks," I replied. "It's summer and we don't have a shift. Imma get floored."

Otis laughed. "Yeah, yeah, okay."

We went to the commons room and sat down. We talked for a long time until we were called out on another call. I climbed back into the truck, chilling out until we reached the destitution. It was going to be a long day.

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