03. Date

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Friday night had come slower than I had hoped. I returned home after running a few errands and started getting ready.

After my shower, I grabbed a black tank top and jean shorts. The shorts were tight and showed off my ass. It was pretty great to show off my ass in on the first date.

I put on a flannel and slipped on a pair of red Converse before leaving. I got into my car and headed for the ice cream parlor Otis told me about.

When I entered, I saw Otis sitting at a table. He smiled when he saw me. He stood up and walked over to me.

"Hey, Guadalupe," Otis greeted. "I'm glad you could make it. You look really nice by the way."

I smiled. "Thanks! You look great too. What's up? How have you been?"

"Great." Otis gently grabbed my upper arm. "Are you ready to get some ice cream? Maybe we could eat outside?"

I nodded. "I think that's a great idea. It's really nice outside."

Otis and I got our ice cream. I, of course, got triple chocolate with chocolate syrup. We sat outside at one of the tables, a gentle breeze blowing by.

"I love chocolate," I said after swallowing a bite. "Especially dark chocolate. I'm a bitch for dark chocolate."

Otis took a bite of ice cream. "I like vanilla or rocky road more. I've never been a fan of chocolate."

I gasped. "Rude."

Otis laughed. "It's never been a favorite of mine. Especially not dark chocolate."

I rolled my eyes, taking a bite. "What a guy you are. Should've known."

Otis smiled. "I hope you don't leave. I have plans."

I leaned onto my elbow, biting my lip. "Like what?"

Otis looked away, a smile still on his face. "You'll see. Don't want to spoil anything."

I leaned back in my chair. "Okay. Keep your secrets. I'll find out eventually."

"I'm sure you will," Otis said. "What do you want to do after this?"

I shrugged. "I'm not sure. Walk around? We are near downtown."

Otis nodded. "Of course. I've always liked downtown Chicago."

I licked off some ice cream. "I love the city. I've always liked traveling too. I've been to fifteen other countries and I've had so much fun."

"Any stories?" Otis asked.

I thought as I took another bite of ice cream. "I was on a school trip to a few countries in Europe and we were staying in this one hotel, right? In the middle of the night, at like three o'clock in the morning, the fire alarm goes off. All of us started leaving like we were supposed to and then we hear, 'it's a false alarm! Go back to your rooms!' It was giving me a headache, I swear. Then a few days later, we were at another hotel and the fire alarm goes off. We were all standing outside, in the freezing cold. They gave me one of those, like, tin foil blanket things to warm someone up. There was a kid who didn't have any clothes on and he was just in his underwear. It was hilarious."

Otis laughed. "Sounds like fun. What else?"

I threw my head back. Smiling, I began telling stories about my travels. Otis laughed at the funny moments and listened to every story.

When we finished our ice cream, we started walking toward downtown. On our way, Otis's hand brushed against mine. I reached over and took it, holding on. Otis smiled and pulled me closer.

We got to downtown and we found a spot beside the water. I leaned against the railing, listening to the gentle sounds of the water.

"I love Chicago. It's so beautiful," I said. "I have to say that Portland is better though. I'll never forget Voodoo Donuts though."

"Voodoo Donuts?" Otis asked. "What's that?"

I gasped. "It's only the best donut place in the entire world. They've got everything. I have to take you there sometime."

Otis smiled, placing a hand on my lower back. "Hopefully I can. If this continues."

I smiled and looked up at Otis. "If it does, maybe something fun can happen."

Otis understood my reference. "Maybe that could happen soon."

I slid my hands around Joe's waist. "If you play your cards right, that could happen. I'm definitely down with that."

Otis placed his hands on my waist and kissed me passionately. I moved my arms to go around his neck and he pulled me closer. He bit my lip and I opened my mouth slightly.

Otis pressed harder and his tongue brushed against mine. I tangled my fingers into his hair, tugging softly. Moving to my neck, Otis bit softly.

I let out and breathy moan and pushed Otis away. "Not here. We can't have anyone seeing us."

Otis laughed, smiling down at me. "Of course not. We'll continue this later."

I smiled and gently rubbed Otis's cheek with my thumb. "You're really cute. Why hasn't anyone snatched you up yet?"

Otis wrapped his arms around me, pulling me even closer. "I've been waiting for someone like you to come along."

I gently combed my fingers through his hair. "I definitely want a second date."

Otis chuckled. "Me too. Monday after shift?"

I smiled, thinking of a plan and loving it. "Sure. You can come over to my place. I'm a really good cook."

Otis smiled. "I'm sure you are. Let's head off. It's getting late."

We left. I held Otis's hand as we walked. It felt natural. Like Otis was the one for me. I couldn't get my hopes up though. It was our first date. A lot of things could go wrong.

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