chapter 1

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"Hey Becks." Damian teasingly greets her and leans against a wall as Becky walks out the classroom. Becky shoots Damian a glare before responding.

"Don't call me Becks, and what do you want?" She rolls her eyes as she continuously walks and ignores the boy, with Damian following behind her.

"I need advice." Becky stops in her tracks as she heard that. Advice? This must be some joke.

"You know, if you're just here to waste my time, then get going, Desmond-"

"I'm serious." Damian insisted, and Becky sighs.

"Fine. What do you want?" She turns around to face Damian, looking at him with an uninterested look.

"It's uh..." Damian pauses and blushes, with Becky giving him a disgusted face expression. "It's kind of uh... about..." He clears his throat, and Becky swears she wanted to choke this guy so he'd just spit it out and get things finished.

"It's about Anya."

"Oh." Maybe nevermind about what she swore on earlier. Anya?! Anya Forger?! HER BEST FRIEND?!

"What kind of advice do you want?"

"Like... I don't know..." he stops and thinks for a bit. "You know about the like, Imperial Scholar's Prom Night, right?"

"Of course I do, so?" Wait. Wait a minute. "You... YOU'RE ASKING ME ADVICE ON HOW TO ASK ANYA OUT?!" Becky squeals and giggles, with Damian shushing her and telling her to keep it down.

"Be quiet, will you?! I don't want Anya to hear me." His face is flushed with a bright red shade and he faces on the floor in embarrassment.

"That's so cute! You actually have a soft side for her! How adorable!" She laughs and happily cheers, embarrassing Damian even more.

"Just shut up and tell me how!"

"Okay, okay, sorry! What's in it for me, though?" She asks with a smug expression, and Damian just scoffs and rolls his eyes.

"I'll think about it, if it goes successful, then I'll find you something. Dibs on Ewen or Emile?" He laughs, with Becky's mood worsening and she points a middle finger at him.

"Fuck you! I never said I wanted a date!" Becky argues and yells at him.

"Your single ass needs it." Damian responds with a smirk on his face.

"Don't be too bitchy! Anya isn't even yours yet!"

Damian went silent. "Uh actually you're right about that which is why YOU'RE going to help ME."

the many ways to flirt (and fail terribly) - damianyaWhere stories live. Discover now