chapter 7: damian and becky move onto plan B

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Becky and Damian sat in silence at the same usual place in the library.

"Prom is in two days." Becky intensely stares at Damian. "What's our plan B?"

"Two days?!" Now Damian felt like falling off his chair and adding up to all the stupid bruises he had on his face. He felt his soul being sucked out.

He made absolutely NO progress, and he needed to finish it quickly.

"Yes..." Becky heavily sighs and stares at the list of pickup lines on the table, before grumpily grabbing the list, crumpling it and throwing it to the ground, yelling out "Stupid list!"

"So, no pickup lines, please."

"Definitely not."

"So... what now?" Damian thinks before grabbing his magazine and flips through the pages here and there, and throws the magazine to the side, finding absolutely nothing.

"I'm on the verge of just telling her "hey stupid go to prom with me" or some shit." Damian sighs and lays his head on the table. Becky was about to do the same when she noticed the magazine page flipped to an advertisement of a necklace with a Chimera ornament on it.

Chimera. That's it!

Becky immediately grabs the magazine and shoves the page of the advertisement with the necklace to Damian's face.

Damian stares at it. "A Chimera necklace...?"

"Don't you get it?!" Becky points at the necklace. "She has a stuff toy Chimera! She loves Chimeras!"


"I'm saying, you should totally buy her this!" She happily exclaims and proudly smiles as if she had won the lottery and made a genius invention that will save the world. Damian stares at the magazine ad, with the shiny gold necklace with a Chimera ornament covered in pink gems. He only realized just now.



"Woah, wait." Damian shoves the page closer to his face. "600 dalc?!"

"What? Aren't you rich?" Becky replies as she munches on a peanut from the peanut bag Anya had given her.

"Yeah but..." Damian sounded hesitant. "She's going to shove the box back to me and say 'oh how wonderful, but I can't accept such a wonderful and amazing gift from you, Sy-on Boy.'" He mimicks Anya's voice and grunts.

"The fuck you talking about?" Becky rolls her eyes as she munches on another peanut.

"It was a joke. I was trying to sound like her."

"She doesn't talk like that." Becky deadpanned.

Damian scoffs at her. "It was an attempt at joking."

"Well that was a shitty joke."

"No but being honest, she would definitely shove the box back at me and tell me that she doesn't need it because it's 'too expensive' and that it would just be a waste of space for her. And bingo! Plan fails!"

"Just try!" Becky aggressively writes on a paper and then stands up from her chair and shoves up to Damian's face another list... this time, a list of expenses?

"Peanuts covered in chocolate, 200 dalc- wait, wait what is this?" Damian reads the list and drops it in shock. "I'm spending 800 dalc... on a prom gift..."

Becky proudly smiles at the new list. "That is our list of expenses for the gift! But don't worry! I will sponsor you!" She gives Damian a thumbs up.

"Okay, that's fine... but where will we--"

"I've got all of that covered!" She reassures him. "I've called my chef like earlier and told him to grab the finest bags of peanuts and dip them into the finest chocolates, so you'll have to buy the Chimera necklace." She innocently smiles, and Damian shoots her an uninterested look.

"Wait, you knew about this plan?"

"Um no, silly, I know you're gonna panic on the chocolate peanuts, so be lucky! I'm sponsoring you!" She giggles and smiles like an idiot.

"But what about the necklace--"

"But of course! I'll help you pick the best necklace!" She squeals as if everything will go into plan.

"Pack some cash, Desmond, we're gonna shop until we drop tonight!" She happily exclaims as he sighs in extreme disbelief.

This was going to be a rough two more days, and he wonders if he and his cash will still be alive by the end of this week.

the many ways to flirt (and fail terribly) - damianyaWhere stories live. Discover now