pickup line 1: i scraped my knee... falling for you.

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Damian was flabbergasted as he read the list of pickup lines Becky had given him. She proudly smiles at the list.

"The fuck is this?" Becky's face suddenly turned into a frown when Damian deadpans as he read the pickup lines. Okay, so these were probably what cheesy pickup lines were.

"THOSE ARE THE PICKUP LINES YOU WANTED?!" Becky sobs as she lays her head on the table, face fell flat on it.

"Why're they so corny?"

"THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT OF CHEESY PICKUP LINES! THEY'RE SUPPOSED TO BE CORNY SO THAT THE GIRL YOU TRY TO IMPRESS WITH THOSE PICKUP LINES WILL LAUGH AND GIGGLE AND BAM!" She cups her hand and starts feeling a romantic tingle surge from her. Damian looks at her with a disgusted look.

"And then the girl will laugh at your sweet but corny jokes. Girls love funny guys." She blushes and wiggles around her chair with a fuzzy and bubbly sweet feeling up in her heart.

Funny guys? Sure, Damian could be funny. He's a funny guy, he'll definitely woo Anya with this. Except...

"Which one do I use?" He tilts the list to the left and right, raising an eyebrow as he tries to pick a line to use on Anya.

"Which one do you want most?" Becky asks him.

"They all suck."



And SO! He finally picked one!

This might work for sure!

They both left the library and were walking down the hallways as they noticed a pink haired lady with emerald eyes, wearing an Imperial Scholar's cloak, walking down the hallways and greeting everyone she passed by with a smile on her face. Damian blushed and turned around to walk the other direction, when Becky suddenly pulled him from going.

"You're NOT going anywhere, Desmond! Now go shoot your shot!" She grabs Damian and pushes him to Anya, and Becky swore she heard Damian curse her under his breath.

Anya, who was talking to a fellow student, noticed Damian and walked up to him.

"Good morning, Sy-On boy!" She cheerfully greets him, and Damian freezes. "Sy-on boy-?"

"I scraped my knee!" He yells as his face heats up, with Anya's look suddenly turning into concern.

"You got hurt?! On your knee?!" She worriedly touches his face in concern, and his face turns a shade of red.

"Uh- uh- I scraped my knee- uh- falling for you!" He blurted out as he stuttered, with Anya tilting her head in confusion as she stares at him.

"Huh? You didn't fall on me though?" She asked him, and Damian stood there, questioning himself if she was just plain stupid.

Becky, overhearing the conversation, facepalmed and sighed.

"Wh- whatever, stupid! I-I'm fine!" He stutters before facing to the other direction.

"Are you sure you're fine- hey!" Anya tries to grab him arm but before she knew it, he was already making a run for it to the stairs. She stands there with a confused expression. He didn't fall on her though? And he seemed fine if he was running?

"Hey wait!" Becky chases Damian up to the bottom of the stairs before Damian fell face flat onto the floor.


In the clinic, Becky sighs as the nurse places bandages on Damian's face. And another one on his knee.

"I am. Never. Using that pickup line. Ever." He grunts as he touches the area with a scratch on his knee and flinches. Becky snorts.

"It was funny."

"No it wasn't."

"It was KIND OF funny." Damian grumbles and Becky giggles before she checks the list of pickup lines she had.

"Hmm, so maybe not this one, epic failure." She sighs in disbelief. Her best friend was THIS dense?

"Okay... hmmm.." Becky's eyes lighten up as she reads this one. Damian frowns.

What's this? Another super stupid but genius but stupid idea to woo Anya from Becky? He's down for it, he guesses.

"This one!" Becky exclaims as she shows the next pickup line in the list. Damian sighs in disbelief.

"Fine. This will do for now."

the many ways to flirt (and fail terribly) - damianyaWhere stories live. Discover now