chapter 13: damian and anya sneak out of prom for a date

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Damian and Anya sat at a corner of the party, music blasting louder than ever, spills of fruit punches all on the floor, and loud distinct chattering could be heard all around the venue.

"All my hard work to clean up this place..." Anya sighs. "It's all gone in vain." She covers her head with her hands in despair.

Damian laughs. "Why put effort when they're just gonna trash the venue? Pretty bad move if you ask me."

"Well it's because I liked it clean! It looked prettier with all the party streamers and banners and now they're all on the floor." She pouts, and Damian sighs.

"Do you wanna get ice cream instead of hanging here? It's not like we have anything to do here." He asks her, and Anya's eyes widen and she lets out a big smile.

"Sure, sure! Let's consider it our first date!" She happily exclaims as she stands up and reaches her hand out to Damian. He blushes before holding her hand and standing up, both exiting through the back door.

Meanwhile, Becky was trying to find Anya.

"Anya? Anya! Where are you?!" Becky called out for her, but no sign of her best friend, just Emile and Ewen terribly failing at finding a prom date.


"I can't believe we're doing this." He sighs as Anya ordered a peanut butter brittle ice cream flavor with chocolate syrup drizzled over it.

"It's fun, Sy-on boy." She responds. "Besides, it's better than being in a boring prom." She happily takes the ice cream from the cashier and thanks him before cheerfully humming a sweet melody while walking to a seat nearby.

Damian lovingly watches Anya as she munched on her ice cream, talking about the spinoff series of Spy Wars and how Bondman might die in it.

"You didn't order an ice cream?" She asks him with the spoon in her mouth, and Damian shrugs.

"I don't want any, just wanted to see you eat." Anya blushes as she smiles.

"Aww! Sy-on boy has turned soft, that's new." She teases him with Damian blushing as he rolled his eyes.

"Whatever, idiot, just enjoy your ice cream and keep talking." He blushed as he continued to watch Anya happily eat her ice cream.

"You still call me idiot until now." She pouts as she looks at him with guilty puppy eyes. He almost jumps off his chair looking at them.

"Why? What do you want me to call you?"

"Don't people use pet names like 'babe', 'love'--" wait. HUH?!

Seriously, this girl was extremely needy and petty, but even though she's all that, he really didn't know why he was so in love and captivated by her. This little Anya Forger, she will be the death of him, and he swears on it.

"What do you mean by 'pet names'?!"

"But don't couples use that--"

"We don't need that!" Damian crosses his arms into an x formation, and Anya sneakily reads his mind, with it screaming 'please call me babe' and 'love or darling sounds really nice right now'.

She smirks. "Well, I think it's cute, isn't it, babe?"




Damian's thoughts suddenly turned into random letters all jumbled up, with Anya staring at him, very confused. Did she say something wrong? Whatever, he looked cute as fuck right now.

"Did you read my mind?!" He panics as he covers his forehead from Anya, and Anya laughs.

"Eep! Sorry!"


"Thank you for today." Anya thanked him as he dropped her off at the front door of their house.

"I had fun." Damian smiles before ruffling Anya's fluffy hair. Anya smiled.

"Today was really fun, Anya loved it!" She happily smiles as she exclaims.

"Go in now, I'll wait until you walk into that door." Damian waved at Anya and Anya waved back at him, signalling him to go back to the car while Damian was signalling Anya to go into the house.

Anya laughed since none of them wanted to leave each other yet.

"Since you're not leaving yet..." Anya walks up to Damian and quickly presses her lips onto his, planting a quick and soft kiss between them before she walks back to the door.

"Go home now, okay? Don't worry about me." She smiles as she waves at Damian. "I love you, so go back to your car, okay?"

Damian smiles, and runs to Anya and giving her a soft kiss on the cheek before running back to the car.

"I love you too." He waves a small 'bye bye' before stepping and closing the doors of the car.

Anya smiled.

All his stupid pickup lines, all the gifts he gave her, and the small little things he had done for her.

They were the many ways to flirt, and no, he didn't fail terribly and miserably, he successfully won the keys to her heart and had unlocked it.

Or was it the other way around and it was SHE who won the keys of HIS heart and managed to unlock it?

Oh well, love goes both ways and is basically a two-way street after all.

the many ways to flirt (and fail terribly) - damianyaWhere stories live. Discover now