chapter 6: anya asks becky about damian

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"Becky! Do you want to walk with me to the prom venue? I left my water bottle there." Anya asks Becky, and Becky nods a big yes in agreement. The two of them wave at the group before leaving the room.

Becky was ranting and talking nonstop about this one drama of hers where the guy was struggling to ask the girl out to prom so he went to the girl's best friend for advice on how to ask her out (does it sound familiar?). Meanwhile Anya was spacing out and thinking about why Damian had been acting so weirdly lately.

He's usually so perfect that he would avoid every rock he could trip on because it would ruin his "beautiful" face but now he's tripping on them like it's his part time job. He stutters so often but he surely isn't like that in class, he confidently speaks whenever he presents his projects, but whenever he's with Anya? He's like a broken radio that glitches a lot.

Anya sighs. Too much thinking, head will ache.

"Have you noticed Sy-on boy's been acting... I don't know, weird?" Becky stops walking and turns to Anya. She knows?! Does she know?! I forgot she can read minds! Shit! Becky's thoughts were screaming and panicking, but all Becky showed Anya was a nervous look.

"Ahaha, what are you talking about? Desmond's- uh always like that!" Becky thumbs up, but her thoughts say otherwise. She screams and ugly cries in her thoughts, it's not so hard to call her out.

"Your thoughts are screaming." Anya points at Becky's forehead, and Becky covers her forehead.

"Don't read them!"

"Sorry! But I'm not joking!" Anya cries out. "He's been so weird lately, talking about prom and saying these weird stuff like--"

"Like what...?"

"Uh..." she stops and thinks. "About this light in my eyes, how I'd look good in his arms, how he fell for me and--"

All of a sudden Becky squeals. Excitingly and loudly, so loud that if there were people this late at school, they'd all hear her. "Oh my Jesus, Anya! He likes you! Get the hint!" She yells as if she was going to kneel and just plead Anya to understand it.

"Get the what?"

"N-nothing! But I'm serious!" Becky insists. "He's not acting like that because he hates you, okay? Trust me, I've known you two ever since first year, and I know well that you two have feelings for each other, that's for sure!" She reassures Anya and pats her on the shoulder.

"Feelings...?" Feelings.

She never really looked into that. All she understood was that it had something to do with romantic feelings. Sure, she felt something for Damian, like how handsome he was if you squinted your eyes, how cute he looked when he got flustered, how the time they spent together suddenly was engraved into her memories, she definitely did feel something, but she only realized that when Becky had told her about it.

Anya smiled. "Maybe I do have feelings for Sy-on boy."

Becky squeals even louder and this time, accidentally caught Master Henderson's attention.

"Young ladies!" Their attention turns to Master Henderson, who was standing right behind them. "It is surely late now, what have you been doing?"

Anya stammers and nervously laughs. "Uh, we're uh, helping out in the fixing of the prom venue! Gotta work hard, right?" She thumbs up, and Becky felt like she died in embarrassment.

Master Henderson smiles at the two. "Working hard, that is wonderful. How elegant, make sure to go home now, alright? Farewell, Forger and Blackbell. Don't forget, prom is in two days." And just like that, he leaves.

"Two days?!" Becky felt like falling onto the floor and burying herself in the dirt. Anya deadpans as she stares at Becky.

"You're the host... didn't you know?" Anya asks Becky, and Becky nervously laughs and crosses her arms to act cool (she didn't look cool though).

"Haha! Silly me! Of course I knew!" She didn't. She only realized it when Master had reminded them about it. She panicked in her mind, her thoughts mainly being a hundred shits spiralling her mind.

The next thing Becky knew, it was Anya rushing to the prom venue to grab her water bottle and runs out to Becky once more.

"Uh-uh... should we go home now? My limo's um, waiting for us." She nervously nods and thumbs up at Anya.

"Yep, let's go home. Mama is waiting for me." And Anya walks off to the gate, worrying about Becky. Now her best friend was acting odd as well, weird.

Becky was silently panicking as she yelled in her mind.

"Only two days left?!"

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