chapter 10: the main event p1

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Damian and Becky were at their usual library spot, with all the wrapped gifts in one pink bag.

"These are the gifts, right?" Becky asks as she takes the bag and takes a peak at a small opening in between, and Damian nods in response.

Becky squeals and excitedly shoves the gift to Damian before cupping her face. "Eeeek! Anya will surely love it!" Damian was shushing Becky and trying to cover her mouth.

"She's gonna love it! Trust me! Just be straightforward and she'll definitely say yes!" Becky proclaims as she does a thumbs up. Damian grabs the bag from Becky and throws it onto the table.

"This is so stupid." He mutters out, and Becky shaking her head in disagreement.

"Desmond, I know this is hard, but it's okay! It's just inviting her to prom!" Becky reassures him, and Damian heavily sighs.


Emile and Ewen were walking when they noticed Anya carrying a small blue paper bag, and it seemed like she was mumbling to herself.

"Hey Bosswoman!" Ewen waves at Anya, though Anya was too busy checking the gift she didn't notice them both until Emile tapped her on the shoulder.

"AH!" She gasped as she almost drops the bag on the floor, startled by the two men standing in front of her.

"You... you two! Are you two here to bully me?!" Anya prepared her fists before the two of them shook their heads.

"We aren't! Relax!" Emile nervously reassures her, with Anya staring at them, extremely confused. Firstly, they're being nice to her, and secondly, they aren't bullying her?

The world must be ending.

"Uh... okay..." she slowly swings the bag side by side as she internally panics.

"Are you perhaps... interested in taking out a Desmond to prom?" Ewen cheekily asks her, startling Anya and she almost drops the bag a second time. He knows?! Does he read minds?!


"It says there on the tag of the bag." Emile points out a big font of an elegant handwriting with the word "Sy-on boy" on it (Yor wrote it for her). Anya panics as she quickly covers the tag and hides the bag behind her bag.

"Um, well, I bought him um, this gift, because um, well I um--" Anya felt like she was going to faint.

"It's okay, we support! Bossman also wanted to invite you to prom, did you know?" Ewen gives her a thumbs up and Emile nods as he agrees. Anya's eyes lit up.

"Wait, you guys don't hate me?"

"We used to. We softened up, and Bossman li--" Emile was about to finish when Ewen suddenly blocked Emile's mouth before he could even finish speaking. Anya tilts her head in confusion.

"Well that's nice! I'm glad we can get along!" Anya happily exclaims before continuing on her way to walk to the library, hoping she would find Becky there.

As she walked, Emile and Ewen were following right behind her, talking about Damian here and there and making jokes about him.

"Bossman doesn't like bugs." Emile said as he laughed, making Anya laugh as well.

"But I love bugs!"

"Go save Bossman from the bugs, Bosswoman!" Both Emile and Ewen laugh, and Anya was giggling as well, until she noticed it.

"...bosswoman?" She asks them both, and they immediately stopped laughing and stared at her.

"Bosswoman? What a cute nickname! I should start calling you that, Anya!" Anya turns around to see Becky standing right behind her, laughing whilst a grumpy Damian, who was carrying a pink bag that seemed heavy, was standing right beside her.

"Becky! You scared me!" Anya slightly jumps back, a little startled. Damian seemed to be nervously swinging the bag left and right, looking at it while glancing at Anya. What was he so nervous about?

"Bossman!" Ewen and Emile walked to Damian to pat him on the back and ruffle his hair. Damian groans.

"Sy-on boy!" Anya waves at him while she was talking to Becky, and all of a sudden she noticed Becky, Emile and Ewen all exchanging looks at each other, smirking and winking their eyes before turning back to both Damian and Anya.

Weird, really suspicious. Though Anya just shrugged it off, too much thinking, head will ache.

"O-oh I just forgot! Me and Ewen had homework to do!" Emile said as Ewen nodded, and Becky offered to join them.

Weird. Anya has never seen Becky hang out with Desmond's minions, so this was a shocker.

"I'll help you do your homework!" Damian offered, but Becky told him not to join them and suddenly whispered something into his ear, making Damian blush terribly. Weird. Strangely weird. It was like they were plotting something.

"Well! We have to get going, we don't wanna submit homework late!" Becky says as she pushes Emile and Ewen by their backs as they walked to the library, leaving Damian and Anya alone together while mumbling to Damian a small 'good luck'.

Okay, so that was really weird.

Anya and Damian were both awkwardly standing next to each other, both with bags in their hands, and standing right in front of each other.

"So uh..." Damian pauses before speaking, and Anya just stared at him.

"Do you wanna uh, take a walk in the garden?"

"Oh sure! I actually wanted to talk to you about um, something!" Anya cheerfully responded as she started walking to the garden, immediately avoiding eye contact with Damian and clearing her thoughts of him.

Damian did the same, just walking right behind her, not saying a word, nervously looking below on the floor and looking at everything but Anya.

After what sort of felt like an eternity, they finally reached the garden. The sun was shining bright and the birds were chirping sweet melodies. The grass was bright and the trees were standing tall and mighty, and the colorful flowers added more colors to the scenery.

Damian and Anya were walking alongside each other, enjoying the cool breeze and the sunny day, until they stopped walking and stood right in front of the water fountain, facing each other and nervously avoiding eye contact with each other.

No one batted an eye, no one spoke, just clear silence.

Well that was, until Damian started to speak.

"So, Anya...?"

"Yes, Sy-on boy?"

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