pickup line 2: you know what you'd look good in? my arms

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"This is stupid." He sighs as he and Becky watch Anya playing with a cat behind a garden wall.

"It's not! It'll surely catch her attention!" Becky reassures him with a thumbs up and Damian just frowns as he watches Anya, admiring how cute she was while kneeling down and playing with the cat that had white colored fur and green eyes, eyes like Anya's.

"Okay, now enough loitering, go get her!" Becky pushes Damian and hides behind the wall, with Damian silently cursing her once again as he accidentally steps on a bush and makes noise. Anya pats the cat before turning around to check the commotion and notices Damian, with a bandage on his face.

"Sy-on boy!" She waves at him with one hand, the other being on the cat's back as it purrs by the touch of Anya.

"Hi." He walks to her and sits on the bench next to her, watching her play with the cat. She notices the bandage on his face and begins to worry.

"You... your face!" She points at the white bandage covering a part of his face, with him placing his hand on the area before speaking.

"Oh this?" He asks her, and Anya nods in response. "I fell yesterday."

"Are you okay now?!" She looks at him with a concerned look, her eyes looking like guilty little puppy eyes that he reluctantly can't say no to.

"Yeah, I'm fine now." He responds, and Anya smiles brightly at him before looking back to play with the cat. "That's nice... Anya's happy that you're alright!"

He feels his face heat up, and a bright red shade fills his cheeks up. "Oh- uh anyways, about the Imperial Scholar's prom..."

"Yeah? What about it?" Anya asks him as she rubs the stomach of the cat, gently stroking it afterwards with her soft little fingers.

"Uh... what are you gonna wear? For the uh, prom?" He diverts his attention to anywhere in the garden, may it be the trees and the flowers, to anywhere but Anya, because he knew damn well his heart was racing and beating terribly. Anya stops and thinks about it.

"Uh actually, I don't really know what to wear yet!" She giggles before turning to play with the cat once more, stroking its head gently and tapping on its paw softly.

Damian freezes and basically became a talking statue, except his face was awfully red and he stuttered. "You- you know what you'd- you uh, look good in?" He nervously laughs, with Anya diverting her attention to Damian. This was not the Sy-on boy Anya knew, she nods her head in disagreement as she thought.

"What would you suggest I'd look good in?" She innocently asks as she softly smiles.

"In my, my uh- arms." He nervously smiles at her, frozen in shock as he curses himself in his mind. Anya stares at him and tilts her head in confusion once again.

"Your arms aren't clothes I can wear, though?" She asks, and Damian, who should have probably died from a heart attack by now, suddenly fell into the water fountain with flushed cheeks and ears, yelling out "Stupid! It's not like the clothing type I meant- AH!"

And just like that, he fell into the fountain.

Becky, who had just witnessed everything, sighs and facepalms once again as she watches Damian pushing himself away from Anya with a wet cloak and Anya attempting to wipe the water off from him with her cloak.

"Sy-on boy! You'll catch a cold!"


That did not end well either, apparently. Becky sighs as she watches Anya wipe Damian's hair with a towel, ruffling it until it becomes fluffy.

"I'll go get us some peanuts in my bag!" She stands up and rushes to walk out the door, and the second she leaves, Becky snorts.

"What's so funny?!" Damian argues back as he crosses his arms and frowns.

"You fell in the water fountain! How is that NOT funny! And your hair looks fucking stupid!" She laughs as she points at his fluffy hair, with Damian blushing in embarrassment.

"I tried, okay?!" He huffs. Becky stops herself from laughing to check the list of pickup lines.

"No." Damian calmly says in an angry tone. "We are NOT doing another pickup line."

"Please! This one! It's really good, it will succeed, I just know it will!" She holds her hands together as she pleads at Damian, and he lets out a big heavy sigh.

He is NOT going to do another stupid pickup line, he is definitely, absolutely NOT-

"Ugh, fine. Which one is it?"

Becky's eyes lit up.

He has no choice but to charm Anya if he wants to win her heart, but will these idiotic pickup lines do the case?

We'll just have to find out.

the many ways to flirt (and fail terribly) - damianyaWhere stories live. Discover now