chapter 12: damian is a dork (he meets anya's parents)

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Damian was in front of Anya's front door, dressed up in a suit as he wore the Imperial Scholar's cloak. He rings on the doorbell before Anya rushes to the door.

"I'm SO sorry but I'm not done preparing yet!" Anya says as she panics, attempting to put on an earring while she opened the door. She wore a green dress and her hair was in this curling item he forgot what it was called. She looked... cute.

"Take your time, it's fine." Damian remarked, and Anya offered him to sit on the couch as he waited.

"My Papa can get you, um, something to eat, so you can just ask him!" She exclaims before rushing to her room, leaving Damian with Loid and Yor.

"I have to help Anya! I will be right back, Loid, oh and Mr. Desmond, feel free to make yourself at home!" Yor cheered before she walked to Anya's room.

Technically speaking, it was only Loid and Damian in the living room now.

Damian examined the house. It was small, simple, but very homey in a way. It felt comforting despite it being small for a privileged kid like him. It made his heart fill a fuzzy feeling into it, warm and cozy. It was a house filled with love, and he could surely tell that.

"So, Mr. Desmond." Loid greets him, and Damian gets startled and starts to panic.

"U-uh, yeah Pops, hi." He awkwardly waved at Loid.

"Please, come here and take a seat." Loid pulled out a chair from the dinner table, which was also in the living room, and told Damian to sit. Creepy, was he going to get asassinated?! He's getting less loving family vibes in this moment now. He nods, and takes a seat. Loid smiles, and brings Damian an omelette he had just finished cooking.

He speaks to Damian while wiping the knives with a cloth, literally scaring the living shit out of Damian.

"So... you are going out with my daughter to prom, is that correct?" He diverts his attention to Damian, and he nods in response. Loid smiles.

"I am sure that you will not be hurting my daughter, is that correct?" He turns his attention back to the knife. Damian gulped.

"Uh yes, Pops, I won't hurt her, so don't--"

Loid stabs the knife into the knife holder, the metal clanking with the metal holder and shocking Damian. He turns his gaze once again to Damian, giving him a soft but intimidating smile, and he swore he felt his pants piss themselves.

"If you hurt her, we will be having quite a lengthy talk, remember that." And he goes back to continue washing the dishes. Loid tells Damian to dig in and Damian shakily grabs his fork to eat the omelette.

Damn, so her parents were THIS scary? He might as well stab himself before they got the chance to stab him.

He enjoyed eating the omelette, it was tasty and flavorful, and when he finished his meal, Loid sat at the chair right in front of him. He shuddered and was practically in fear, but he tried his best to act tough.

"So, Desmond... you like my daughter?" He teasingly asks Damian in a serious way, and Damian's face starts to heat up and blush.

"Well, um, yes, I do..." he nervously replies, and Loid's expression turns stern.

"And you showered her with gifts."

"Yes sir." Loid calmly smiles, it was warm but intimidating in a way.

"Very well, then, take care of my daughter, okay? I entrust her to you, especially knowing how at times she's quite... idiotic." Loid chuckles, and Damian nervously laughs.

"I'm sorry, it sounds a little sudden..." Damian apologizes and Loid gently smiles at him, a little confused.

"For what?"

the many ways to flirt (and fail terribly) - damianyaWhere stories live. Discover now