chapter 11: the main event p2

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"So, Anya...?

"Yes, Sy-on boy?"

Damian shoves the bag up her chest area, and Anya shoves the gift up his face.

"Go to prom with me!" They simultaneously say at the same time before staring at each other, confused and really, really awkward.

"Wait, wait, what--"

"I um, thought about it just last night." Anya nervously said, pushing the gift up close to Damian's face. "It's not much, but please consider it!" She insisted, before Damian sighed and gets the gift.

"You didn't have to... get me something." Damian blushed and awkwardly said. "If you insisted, then here!" He then shoved the gift up to Anya even closer, and Anya giggled before taking the gift from his hand.

She softly smiled at him. "You really didn't have to."

"I spent so much on that gift, you know? It would be so offending if you rejected it." Damian rolls his eyes while Anya laughs. She then opens the bag and sees three individually wrapped presents.

"So much gifts! You bought too much!" She gasps as she takes a peek inside, with Damian blushing and is really flustered.

"Shut up! Just accept it!" He yelps as he blushes, and Anya's eyes lit up. She then immediately rushed to open the smallest gift.

She wanted to laugh at the badly wrapped presents but she found it rather endearing and adorable.

Finally, after finishing unwrapping it, she realized it was a velvet box. She fondly smiles at it, excitingly open it until she noticed it...

"You bought me a Chimera necklace!?" Anya excitingly asks Damian, with him yelling as he blushes in response.

"Yeah! S-so what if I did?!"

"I bought you the same thing!" She points at the small blue bag, and Damian stares at it.

"You what?" There was no WAY she bought the same thing for him, right? I mean, it was SO expensive his wallet was crying also. He immediately opened the small bag and found the same velvet box, opening it until he found the same Chimera necklace on it, except the ornament was an olive green shade.

"You spent 600 dalc on a prom gift for me?!" Damian worriedly asks her, and Anya awkwardly laughs.

"It isn't much, but um, I just thought it was really pretty. Oh and the color matches your hair." She points at the necklace and then to his hair, sweetly smiling as she spoke. Damian felt like throwing himself willingly into the water.

"But wasn't this too expensive...?" Damian asks her, and Anya cheekily grins.

"It was, but I know well that Sy-on boy will pay me." She smirks, and Damian's romantic fantasy suddenly dissolved into thin air. Of course he had to pay, he should've know he had to.

"Fine, how much do you want?" He rolls his eyes, and Anya giggles.

"Hmmm... the price is... a prom date... and a kiss." A what? A WHAT?!

"Wait, huh?!" Damian goes all flustered and falls on his ass onto the floor (luckily not into the water fountain), and Anya worriedly rushes to go to him. "Sy-on boy?! You almost fell again!"

"Don't worry about that! What do you mean 'a kiss'?!" He yells as he tries to cover his face in embarrassment, and Anya points at her cheek.

"It's either you kiss me here..." then she points at her lips as she smirks. "Or here, I think here sounds better, don't you think?" She teasingly remarks as Damian's face turns into a bright shade of red like a tomato.

Damian groans. So this was what it was like to fall in love with Anya Forger, what hellish torture this whole thing had become to him.

He sighs, and immediately cups Anya's face, making Anya blush harder than he did.

"W-w-wait, you're actually--" before she could even finish speaking, Damian had already planted a kiss on her lips, a gentle one, his soft lips on hers, making Anya's heart flutter.

Damian immediately pulled himself away after a short bit and they were both sitting on the garden floor in silence. Anya was covered in a bright shade of red and was too stunned to even speak.

"U-um, so uh now that that's finished." Damian stuttered as he spoke, he stood up to reach his hand out to Anya.

"Let's get back to the others, shall we?" He calmly asks her, and Anya was starstruck before she smiled and grabbed his hand, with the gift on the other hand, and were happily walking back to the school campus as they held hands.

"You still haven't said yes to my prom invite." Anya teasingly says to Damian, and Damian turns to her in shock.

"Was the kiss not enough for you?! Damn, you read minds but you can't seem to read feelings." Damian rolls his eyes, and Anya blinks dumbfoundedly.

"You saying in your mind that you hated me was a sign that you liked me?"

"Huh? I did?"

"You don't even know your own thoughts?!"


"Bossman and Bosswoman are back!" Emile and Ewen wave at the two, both actually having to finish their homeworks and Becky scolding them like a mother. Becky notices the two and runs to hug Anya.

"Anya! Save me!" She pleads, and Anya stares at her, very confused. "These two idiots actually didn't do their homework! Can you believe it?!"

"We already said sorry, mom!" Emile says as he rolls his eyes.

"Don't call me mom or I will be ripping your ankles off you!" She yells at them both before turning to Damian.

"And you!" Becky points at Damian, who was standing right next to Anya. "Did she say yes?"

Damian and Anya look at each other, before the both of them give Becky a thumbs up. Becky squeals so loudly that the librarian tells her to keep it down.

"Eeek! So it's official?!" She excitedly asks Damian. "You guys are a thing now?!?!" She squeals as she continuously pats Anya's shoulder in excitement.

"Maybe...?" Anya cheekily smirks before walking out the library, with Damian winking at Becky, Emile and Ewen before walking with Anya.

"So they ARE a thing!" Becky happily cheers for them, then turns to Emile and Ewen, glaring at them both. "

"I can't believe I have to be friends with the likes of you now that these two are a thing." She rolls her eyes before marching off to the exit of the library. Emile and Ewen laugh as they walk behind her.

"Sorry, mother!" They both yelled in sync.


"Ready for prom tomorrow?" Damian asks Anya as they walked.

"Uh... I guess?"

"Ah, of course. Knowing your stupidity, I'm sure you aren't ready yet."

"When is there a day where you aren't mean to me?"

"Never a day, to be fair." He laughs. Anya smiles.

"Will you still be mean to me even if we're lovers? Will you be like that if we get married?" Anya teasingly asks Damian, elbowing him as he yelled and blushed like a fucking ripe tomato.

"Huh?! When the fuck did marriage come into the conversation-- AH!" He yelps before he trips and falls face flat onto the floor once again. Anya sighs and giggles a bit.

"You say Anya is stupid, when you haven't even seen yourself."

"Shut up and help me! My nose is bleeding!"

"... it's bleeding?!"

"No shit! Don't you see the blood on my fingers?!"

the many ways to flirt (and fail terribly) - damianyaWhere stories live. Discover now