pickup line 3: no wonder the sky is dark, all the light is in your eyes

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"Really? You- you're serious?" Damian's jaw drops as he reads the pickup line Becky had chosen. She proudly smiles at it. They were both at their usual spot in the library devising plans once again.

"Oh yes I am! And guess what? You'll be saying this to her at night!" Becky excitingly claims. Damian gives her an extremely disgusted look.

"But she's going to be like 'oh the light isn't even in my eyes, it's just night', knowing how much of a dumbass she is!" He dreadfully heaves as he lays his head on the table.

"It will work! I know it will!" She reassures him as she gives him two big thumbs up, with Damian looking at her uninterested and groans.

"You've been saying that for the past few days."

"This is our only chance! And if it doesn't work, we'll try to use gifts to woo her instead!" She smashes her fist onto the palm of her other hand like she had invented some super genius idea (more like stupid idea). He sighs. He's going to be dragged onto every idea this Blackbell girl had. If he could retreat, he would, but this is Anya's best friend and well, if he wanted Anya, he'd have to go through this stupid Blackbell girl, so he really has no choice.

"Ugh, fine." He rolls his eyes and grumpily stands up as he fixes his cloak before storming off the library.

"Wait for me!" Becky yells as she tosses her pencil case, some magazines, and the list of pickup lines into her sling bag, then tosses her bag onto her right arm and rushes to Damian.

It was turning dark outside, and all day Damian did nothing but study so much that he had forgotten about the pickup line. He started to panic and immediately rushed to where Becky and Anya were after class.

"Becks!" Damian runs as he heavily breathes. Becky and Anya turn their gaze to Damian.

"Hi Sy-on-"

"It's an emergency!" Damian panics as he pulls Becky outside of the classroom.

"Relax! She isn't here anymore! What do you want?!" Becky crosses her arms and stares at him in annoyance.

"I uh... I forgot the pickup line." He whispers into her ear.

"... you WHAT?!"


"Okay! Just keep your cool and relax! Don't panic over something so stupid, I thought you were the "Second Son of the one and only Desmond family, the super rich and smart and cool" Damian Desmond most of this school loves?!" She encourages and supports him on this. Wait.

"Most of the school?"

"Yeah, because I'm not a part of that 'most'." She punches his shoulder and Damian grumbles.

"What if I forget the line and-"

"Shut the fuck up before I kick your ass right here and right now." Becky intensely glares at him, before turning to Anya with a big and innocent smile on her face. That gave Damian the shudders.

"What were you guys talking about?" Anya sweetly asks Becky and Damian, with both of them exchanging nervous looks before speaking.

"Ahaha! It's nothing!" Becky awkwardly laughs, and the three of them drown in the silence.

"I-I'm gonna uh, get something from the classroom, I'll be right back!" Becky winks at Damian before rushing to the classroom to 'grab' her bag. Damian and Anya both stand in silence.

"Uh so.." Damian speaks. "Wanna go for a walk out the garden? The stars are out tonight."

Anya's eyes lit up. "Sure!"


"The stars look so lovely!" Anya looks up at the sky as she admires the shining stars above her.

Becky, who was sly as usual, hid behind a bush to watch the two of them (and possibly watch Damian struggle his ass off.).

"Yeah, they're really pretty." He watches the stars twinkle from here and there, brightly shining as it lit and sparkled across the blackness that flooded the sky.

"Have you ever wondered why the sky is black?" Damian asks Anya, and suddenly she put on her thinking face.

"Uh... because the moon?" Anya confusingly looks at the sky, then looks at her fingers holding up the number two, with Damian facepalming in his mind.

"Stupid! You don't need to do math to realize why the sky is black at night!"

"Eep! Sorry!"

"Uh no wonder the sky is black!" Damian proclaimed all of a sudden. "It's because uh- uh- it's because all the light is in your eyes!"

Anya froze. "I think the sky is black because it's night... Sy-on boy, are you okay?" She asks, extremely confused. Damian felt like burying himself in a ditch to respectfully die. And Becky, who had been watching them, facepalms once again at her extremely very VERY dense best friend.


"But if you think all the light is in my eyes..." she added. "Then you must think I shine bright like the stars, don't I? I must do!" She happily giggles and smiles.

"Uh, yeah! Of course you do! You're an Imperial Scholar!" Damian nervously laughs it off. Anya brightly smiles at him, one that could easily compete with the brightness of the stars and the sun, 'you really do shine, not in the Imperial Scholar way, but as a person', he silently thought to himself.

"Now let's go! We don't want to--" and Damian suddenly tripped on a rock, his face flat on the floor, and Anya gasps.

"Sy-on boy?!"


Becky was laughing like a maniac when Anya was placing a bandage on Damian's face while Emile and Ewen were standing there, worrying over their boss as he and Anya bickered.

"It was really dark outside, how was I supposed to know?!" Anya argues back.

"I literally tripped on a rock next to a fucking lightpost!" Damian yells and frowns and Becky laughs so hard she falls off her chair.

"Yeah! Bossman's face has bruises now!" Emile says and Ewen nods with him in agreement.

"You- you- AHAHAHAHA!" Basically, in short, Damian's dorm room was filled with chaos. Anya and Damian bickering, Emile and Ewen backing Damian up, and Becky laughing like a lunatic.

"Whatever you say! I'll go make us some peanut butter sandwiches then! Emile, Ewen, wanna join me?" Anya happily asks them, with Ewen and Emile nodding and the three of them leave to make sandwiches. Becky and Damian were left in the room again, Becky still laughing at Damian.

"You tripped again!" She snorts and Damian yells at her.

"It's not fucking funny!"

"But hey! On the bright side, she's aware that you think she's bright, that's progress right?" Damian went silent before nodding a small "yes". It made Becky cheer and laugh.

"That's so wonderful! We're making progress! Now the last part is to actually ask her out."

"Hmm yeah, but--"

"And then you'll have to confess your feelings and then ask her parents for permission to date and then to actually date her and then permission to marry--"

"Why the hell are we talking about marriage--"

"We're back!" Anya exclaims as Ewen and Emile run to Damian to give him a hug and a pat on the head. Becky runs to hug Anya and silently thinks to herself, hoping Anya won't read her thoughts.

'Part 1 is done! I wonder what'll be set for the next part. I'll check that magazine later to see what else we can do!'

Unfortunately for Becky, Anya read that a little too well.

the many ways to flirt (and fail terribly) - damianyaWhere stories live. Discover now