chapter 2

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Whispers around the library could be heard as Becky and Damian both sat in the library together, devising plans on how to ask Anya out.

"Ugh, people are talking about us, disgusting shit." Becky snarls as she hears someone whisper out loud 'Master Damian really went from commoners like Forger to rich and privileged girls like Blackbell, huh?'

"Ignore them, all they do is run their mouths, no wonder no one runs for them." He remarks and scoffs, with Becky laughing a bit before looking at a pink flower on a vase beside their table, one that reminded her of Anya.

"Anya's a simple girl." She smiles as she says. "She doesn't ask for too much, but she deserves too much. People look down on her simply because she's not of wealthy status. I really like her, she's a wonderful friend." Becky softly says as her aura suddenly turns soft and warm. Damian nodded in agreement.

"She's so demure, she's a warm person." His face was serious as he read a magazine containing dating advice, but Becky knew she felt a little bit of genuine feelings and emotion pour out, judging from the tone of his voice.

"Which is why if you play with her feelings... I will be ripping you into shreds." Damian shuddered at that thought.

"What makes you think I'm playing with her feelings? I'm sincere, man, I don't stoop that low." Damian places his arm on his neck and sighs. "I may be an asshole but I'm not entirely a bad person."

"I'm only helping you because I've known you for long and I'm very aware you've always liked her, okay?!" Becky huffed as she crossed her arms together. "I wouldn't be doing this for any other guy that likes Anya, so consider yourself lucky!"

Damian sighs and chuckles a bit, before he read something on the magazine that caught his attention.

'How to ask your crush out to prom!

No 1: Cheesy pickup lines!'

"Cheesy... pickup lines?" Damian confusingly stares at the magazine as he attempts to process what cheese pickup lines meant. Pickup lines with the word 'cheese' in it? What?

"Dumbass! Give me that!" Becky yells as she snatches the magazine from his hands and reads the page he was reading.

"You're actually so serious on asking her out that you bought a dating advice magazine!?" Becky was laughing and Damian was flustered so badly he almost fell off his chair again.

"Shut up! I'm trying to, okay?!" He lays his head on the table in despair, and it sparks even more heated discussions in the library.

'He's trying to ask someone out to prom?'


'Master Damian is down bad for someone, huh?'

"Ugh, now they're talking about me, this is why you should keep it down when you talk, Becks, you also laugh like a maniac."

"Ooh! So you DO want pickup lines to impress Anya?" Becky stops to think of one.

"I have a great idea!"

the many ways to flirt (and fail terribly) - damianyaWhere stories live. Discover now