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U r working your last indie match before u head to the WWE
Dom: Hey Oscar
Oscar: Hey guys u really came.
Rey: Of course we came u r like family.
Oscar: I just hop I get to keep my theme I love it so much.
Rey: I'll talk to some people.
Oscar: Thanks now I need to change.
After u change u get ready to face Ace Austin in your finally match.
Aaliyah: Good luck
Oscar: With u by my side don't need any
U wink and get ready.
Ace makes his entrance
The crowd is cheering for u
Oscar: God I will miss the indie feeling.
Rey: Sometimes I do but let's get to work.

After 30 minutes it's the ending
U go for a dive off the top but ace flings u off and u land on the knee
Oscar: Ahhhh fuck.
Aaliyah: Dom
Ace: U good bro?
Oscar: No but we still going.
U roll him up he kicks out.
U hit a super kick
Oscar: Ow that hurt
U get on the top rope and hit a time flys
U roll off and clutch your knee
Rey and Dom get in the ring to check on you
They help u to the back
Aaliyah: Hey u good?
Oscar: Oh I'm fine just yelled bloody murder for fun
Dom: u walked into that.
Oscar: This can't be happening I start tomorrow and I might have just blown out my knee
Rey: Let's get u to the hospital and see what happened.
After 2 hours the doctor comes out
Doc: He tore his ACL and MCL he will be out for 5 months.
Aaliyah: I want to see him
Rey: Go
She walks in and sees u laying on the bed in your gear
Aaliyah: Hey
Oscar: ACL and MCL with a slight tear of my MCL in the left knee as well.
Aaliyah: I'm always here for you.
Oscar: I know.
After Around 6 months u make your wwe debut.
Rey Mysterio is getting attacked by buddy Murphy and Seth Rollins.
U come running out
Buddy: What u doing?!
Oscar: He's like a father to me
Buddy: He's not family I am.
U get close
He attackes your knee
Dom gets in and checks on your knee
Murphy smiles
Rey: Get out
U hop up and super kick Dom
Aaliyah: Why Oscar!
U hold up Dom and hit a knee strike.
Murphy: I'm proud of you brother
U push away and super kick Seth
Murphy: WHAT Did U DO
Oscar: U said family and he's not family
U roll out
Aaliyah: Please if u apologize they might forgive you
Oscar: Mi amor I don't regret it. U were never there.
U walk backstage
And everyone walks back
Murphy runs and hugs u
Murphy: My brother is here baby.
Dom: That was one hell of a surprise
Seth: What does mi amor mean?
Rey: It's means my love
Oscar: I need to change
Aaliyah: I need to check my schedule
U guys walk away
Murphy: 5 bucks they r secretly dating.
Dom: I'm in
Rey: Sure
Seth: Winner gets a 20
After a bit u get back
Murphy: U dating anyone?
U choke on your food
Oscar: U bitch. No I'm not unfortunately
Rey: Why
Oscar: Well the girl I like she can't date.
Dom: That sucks
Oscar: It's not the she can't it's more of if I ask her out I'm running out the house with her dad chasing me with a 12 gage behind me like I'm target practice.
They laughed.
Aaliyah walks back.
When u r not looking she steals your food.
Oscar: Hey the hell
Aaliyah: What
Oscar: Your lucky I love you
Aaliyah: Hehe I win.
Oscar: Welp I need to head off See yea people.
U hug Aaliyah
Oscar: my room is 206
U walk away
She blushes a little.
Dom: What's up sis
Aaliyah: Nothing much
After a while u hear a knock.
U open up and see Aaliyah.
Oscar: Get in
Aaliyah: No one followed
U guys kiss
Oscar: We have to tell someone eventually.
Aaliyah: That will be then
U guys make out for a bit and it gets a little heated.
Aaliyah: why stop
Oscar: Just making sure you are ok with it
Aaliyah: U and only u.
U guys u know.
U wake up the next morning
U hear knocking
Oscar: Baby go hide
She gets up and heads to the bathroom
Dom: Oscar it's me
Oscar : Give me a sec
U grab her pants and stuff and shove it in the bathroom.
U open the door while putting a pants
Dom: U had fun last night.
Oscar: The girl I picked up was a bit wild.
Dom: She in the bathroom?
Oscar: yea she's about to hop in
Dom: Nice also do u know where Aaliyah is?
Oscar: No last I saw her was at raw.
Dom: Ok thanks
He heads out.
Aaliyah pokes out.
Oscar: Ok if we r going to keep sneaking around at least give people a heads up.
Aaliyah looks at u
Oscar: To the shower
After a bit u and Aaliyah r cuddling
And as Aaliyah is scrolling through tik Tok she records u

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